Search (The Empire Chronicles #2) Read online

Page 14

  She crossed her arms. “Then get word to him. We need all the help we can get.”

  “I don’t disagree. I just don’t want to promise anything I can’t deliver.” Toby looked right at me. He was warning me that I better have a plan. I did, but I wasn’t ready to discuss it yet. And I also needed to remind them of another small detail.

  “But this might all be for nothing.”

  “Excuse me?” Casey sat up and glared at me.

  “They might come to us. Murphy’s been completely silent. That has to be for a reason. They’re planning something. I just don’t know what.”

  “Why do you think so?” Cade paced behind the couch.

  “Because they know we’re isolated. They know Levi is going to be distracted.”

  “Do you think they’d bring Vera with them?” Casey sat back again.

  “Maybe, but I doubt it. Even if they didn’t, getting their leader away would make it easier to get to her.” Toby ran a hand down Casey’s arm. I tried to ignore the intimate action.

  “Only if they send their leader.”

  “You don’t think it would be Murphy himself?” Casey asked.

  “Murphy would come, but he’s not the leader.”

  “What?” Casey was up on her feet. “What do you mean he’s not the leader?”

  “Murphy isn’t running things. He’s working for someone else.”

  “But who?” She looked so upset I couldn’t stand it. “Who would he be working for?”

  “I’m trying to find out. Whoever it is keeps their identity closely guarded.”

  “It better not be anyone else I’m related to.”

  I laughed. At least Casey could still make a joke.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I was tired. I was tired of all the surprises, the lack of control, and my inability to do anything about my life anymore.

  “I have no idea what I should do next.” I sighed, not caring that three Pterons were listening. I was also tired of putting on a strong face when all I wanted to do was crumple into a ball.

  “What do you mean, what you’re doing next?” Jared asked. Toby and Cade remained quiet. They were the smart ones. I was so angry and upset I was close to transforming.

  “I mean what the heck I’m going to do with my life now that I know I’m not human. I can’t exactly go back to what I was doing before.” I’d been so overwhelmed that I’d barely even thought about my future. Could I really just go about living like nothing had happened? Georgina paid my tuition, but where would college fit in? Was I supposed to take on some sort of position? So far, no one had told me anything, and I hadn’t asked. My first plan was to find Vera. After that, I’d have to figure out my next step.

  Jared gave me a funny look. “You’re a Laurent. That means you’ll end up down in New Orleans eventually.”

  “No, it doesn’t. She doesn’t have to sit around, waiting at her brother’s beck and call.” Toby decided to jump in.

  “I’m the only one who’s going to be making decisions about my life. I don’t know what I want to do yet. End of story.” I tried to control my anger. The hardest part of being a Pteron was learning to control your emotions. “Let’s use the rest of this flight to figure out what’s going to happen in the next few days.”

  Cade laughed. “And here I thought this would be a relaxing weekend away.”

  “Is anything involving The Society ever relaxing?” Toby put his arm behind me, and I settled back against it. I needed the normalcy I got from physical contact with him.

  “No. Good point.” Cade took a seat on a chair. “So tell me, how’s Levi doing? Is he ready for the big ‘I do’?’”

  “Yeah, but he’s making a big deal about it.” Jared rolled his eyes like it was the most ridiculous thing ever.

  “I’m sure Allie wants everything perfect.” Cade smirked.

  I kept Allie’s admission to myself. If they wanted to think she was the so-called typical bride obsessed with details, they could. I knew the truth. She just wanted to marry the man she loved. At least in all the zaniness, I’d technically be gaining a sister-in-law. Allie was one of the more normal parts of my new life. The current situation of sitting around with three Pterons who clearly didn’t like each other… not so much.

  “Would it would be okay if I went to lie down?” I asked Toby but really I wasn’t exactly asking.

  “Sure. I’d join you, but I don’t want to leave these two alone out here.”

  “I’ll be fine on my own.” I gave his hand a squeeze before walking back into the bedroom.


  I came out of the bedroom as we began our descent. I hadn’t actually slept, but I used the time to think. Sometimes it felt like my life was moving so quickly around me that I couldn’t even keep up. With all the things I didn’t know, I decided to focus on the things I did. I needed to find Vera. I’d have to figure everything else out as I went along.

  Toby met me halfway down the aisle as though he’d been on his way to get me. “Good timing.”


  “The island just came into view.”

  I hurried over to a window and watched the swath of green below. “Beautiful.”

  “It is called the Garden Isle.” Jared smiled and things felt more normal already. As much as I’d dreaded facing him, now that we’d gotten the worst of it over with, I felt better. Most importantly, I knew he was on my side. Whatever his reasons, he wanted to help me find Vera. Maybe afterward, we’d find a way to be friends like he suggested. He’d been right about one thing, if I chose to stay with the Laurents, we’d be seeing a lot of each other. Avoiding each other would be out of the question.

  I gathered my stuff and buckled up as the plane lowered the landing gear. I had no idea what the weekend would hold in store for us, but I was ready for it. The next few days were about Allie, and I’d do what it took to make sure my worry and frustration didn’t ruin it for her.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I could have kissed Allie. That probably sounds bad considering we were at her wedding, but she was definitely on my good list. Scratch that, great list. I’d been hoping my room would be located near Casey’s, but I got a better surprise when we checked in—our rooms were adjoining.

  Allie watched us from a few feet away when we grabbed our keys. “Happy with the room assignments?”

  “I think they’ll work out okay.” I held back a smile.

  “They’re perfect. Thanks.” Casey smiled somewhat shyly. Was she embarrassed?

  Allie smiled. “I wasn’t positive what your status was…so I played it safe.”

  “It was very thoughtful.” Casey adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder.

  “Go have fun you two.”

  “Where are you off to?” Casey asked.

  “Levi’s supposed to meet me here.” She glanced around. “But he’s not here yet.”

  Casey smiled. “I wouldn’t worry.”

  “Sorry, babe!” Levi ran into the lobby.

  “Where have you been?” She looked him over warily.

  “Oh. Nowhere.”

  I shook my head. “It had better be a good surprise, man.”

  He laughed. “That obvious?”

  “You’re grinning from ear to ear.” Casey smiled. “We’ll see you guys at the rehearsal.”

  I followed Casey over to the elevator. She insisted on handling all her bags herself. I knew she was more than strong enough, but call me old fashioned, I liked doing that kind of thing for a girl.

  “So the room set up is pretty convenient.” The elevator door opened, and I waited for her to walk in first.

  “Convenient? That’s one way to put it.”

  “How else would you?” I pushed the button for our floor.

  “Lucky. This way I can lock you out of my side if you get out of line.”

  “Oh yeah? What does out of line entail?”

  “Okay. None of that, you guys.” Hailey jumpe
d into the elevator right before it closed.

  “Hey!” Casey greeted Hailey excitedly.

  Hailey hugged her, causing Casey to drop one of her bags. I quickly picked it up. “I’m glad you guys made it. I thought you were supposed to be in earlier.”

  “We had to make a little detour to pick up more passengers.” Casey shifted her weight.

  “Oh? Wait. Didn’t Jared get in at the same time?”

  I could see the wheels turning in Hailey’s head. “Jared and Cade decided to hop a ride with us at LAX.”

  Hailey laughed. “I bet that was an entertaining flight.”

  Casey attempted to shrug, but with a tote bag slung over her shoulder, it wasn’t easy. “I slept for most of the flight.”

  “Okay. This is me.” The elevator opened on the floor below ours. “I’ll see you guys in a few.” Hailey stepped off.

  “I really like her.” Casey made the comment out loud, but it was almost like she was telling herself.

  “Yeah. Hailey’s cool.”

  “She’s been really friendly and helpful. If I have to spend time in New Orleans, I’m going to be hanging out with her.”

  “I’m glad. She seems like someone you’d want on your side.” At least that’s how she came across. She seemed to be a really good friend to Allie. We got off on our floor.

  “This is me.” Casey stopped in front of a door. She dropped her bags and inserted her room key into the door. I waited until she’d stepped inside before walking next door to my room. By the time I’d entered, she had the door connecting the rooms open.

  “Hello there, neighbor.” She smiled.

  “Hello, we probably don’t need both rooms, but maybe we can use both.” I dropped my bags and stopped right inside my side of the doorway.

  “I haven’t decided whether I’m going to let you into my room.” She leaned against the door frame.

  “You haven’t decided yet?”

  “Nope. You’ll have to convince me.”

  I liked this playful side of her. “I’ll convince you.” I met her in the doorway and leaned in. “You already know I can distract you. I guess it’s time to show you just how convincing I can be.” I ran my lips down her neck, loving the groan it elicited. I curled a finger through her belt loop, pulling her against me.

  She shivered beneath my touch. “Do you think we have time for a quick shower? I could use one after that flight.”

  “Did you intentionally use the word we? Did I convince you already?”

  She smiled a mischievous smile. “What do you think?”

  “I think after getting interrupted earlier, we definitely need one.”

  “I guess you just answered your own question then.”

  I caught up with her and pulled her back against me. “We have a few hours before the rehearsal. Think we have time to try out both showers?”

  “Let’s hope so.”


  I didn’t have to actually be at the rehearsal, but I wanted to be. I got the sense that Casey wanted me there, and I also didn’t want to leave her side. Even without Jared’s warnings, I was worried about her safety. Casey was strong, but she was also oblivious to what was going on around her. I could sneak up on her without her having any clue. She needed more training. I might have kept my mouth shut so far, but I wasn’t leaving it all up to the Laurents.

  “Lovely view, isn’t it?” Cade stood next me on the shore. The ceremony was set to take place right on the beach. I knew he wasn’t talking about the majestic ocean.

  “That it is.” Casey looked beautiful in her light pink beach cover-up. Her hair was down, and strands of it blew around in the wind. I felt tempted to take a picture. She looked so light and happy. I hoped some of it was a result of our shower. I knew the rest was from the fresh air and sun. She was definitely the kind of girl who loved the outdoors. I was the same way. Just another way we were compatible.

  “How serious do you think Jared was about Murphy attacking?” Cade slid on a pair of sunglasses.

  “He isn’t one to joke about something like that. He seemed nervous.”

  “If it makes you feel better, I’m looking out for her too.”

  “And why would you do that?”

  “Because she’s good for The Society. We need new blood. She’ll help balance Levi.”

  “Wait. Do you think she’s going to help rule or something?”

  “It’s not unheard of…” He looked away. I knew he was working on his own agenda. I just wasn’t exactly sure what it was.

  “She’s not interested.”

  “But are you?” He turned back toward me. “Are you interested?”

  “Are you accusing me of using Casey to get power?” Just the thought of it made my blood boil.

  “Not using her, just looking at all the benefits.”

  I couldn’t see his eyes through his shades, and that made me more annoyed. “I have no interest in power.” I didn’t. If it were up to me, I’d take Casey and run the hell away from everything else. But she wouldn’t want that. She’d want to face everything head on.

  “I kind of believe you.”

  “You should.”

  He laughed. “If we were from different families, maybe we’d be friends.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Maybe you’re right.” He laughed again. “Well, I’m out of here. Have a fun night.”

  “You too.”

  “Thanks, but I doubt mine will be as fun as yours.” He nodded to where Casey stood looking out at the water.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The rehearsal dragged on way too long. I spent it all too aware of Robert staring at me. He hadn’t bothered to introduce himself or anything, and I certainly wasn’t going to make the first move. What was I supposed to do, hold out my hand and say, “Hey, looks like you’re my dad.”

  I kind of expected Levi to be the one to step up and make things less awkward, but he was keeping a considerable distance from his father and reserving all his attention for Allie. I returned Robert’s stare once, and he didn’t flinch. He just kept staring at me like he didn’t think I was real. Maybe he didn’t. Maybe I was like a bad dream he hoped he’d just wake up from.

  No. I forced that negative thought away. He wasn’t allowed to feel that way. If anyone should feel that way, it should be me. I’m the one whose life got turned upside down without warning. But, then again, so had his. Right? Even if it was his fault—none of this could be easy.

  “You okay?” Tiffany whispered from behind me.

  “Yes,” I whispered back. Clearly I wasn’t quiet enough because the wedding planner shot me a dirty look.

  “Are you sure?” Tiffany pressed. “You look kind of pale.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  She patted my arm. “Okay, if you say so.”

  Our chat also drew even more of Robert’s attention. I looked out at the water again. I needed to ignore him. Maybe he’d get bored and focus on something else instead.

  I decided to look at a view I enjoyed even more than the ocean—Toby. He returned my smile, reminding me of what we’d spent the afternoon doing in our rooms. My body heated, and I turned away just in time to catch Levi’s eye. Ick. He looked between me and Toby and shook his head. I hoped he wouldn’t take the older brother thing too seriously. I already had the overbearing grandmother to deal with.

  Eventually, the rehearsal ended. I turned to walk away when Allie stopped me. “Hey, want to head over to the pool? I want to swim, but I need a break from the salt water.”

  “Oh, thanks, but I think I’m going to just walk around for a little bit.”

  “Okay.” She looked at me funny. Maybe she was contemplating how hard to push it. “Call me if you change your mind. I’ll have my phone.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled. “Have fun.”

  She waved and walked off. I looked for Toby but he was talking to some guys I didn’t know, so I went for a walk on my own. I didn’t want my confused mood to
rub off on anyone else. I figured someone would follow me, but hoped whoever it was kept their distance. There was only one Pteron I really wanted to see.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Toby’s warm breath tickled my ear as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “Hey, yourself.” I leaned back into his familiar embrace, feeling a wave of relaxation and excitement roll over me.

  “What are you doing all alone out here?” He ran a hand up and down my arm. It brought out goose bumps.

  “Not too much. Just enjoying the view.” Most people wouldn’t have been able to see the waves slam into the sand in the darkness, but I saw it perfectly. There was something so comforting about the rhythm of it.

  “Any interest in finding another view?”

  “Meaning?” I turned in his arms.

  “Want to go for a flight?” He ran his lips down my neck.

  “Yes.” The thought of flying around such a beautiful island filled me with excitement. “And I’m even dressed for it.” I gestured to the spaghetti strap beach cover up I wore over my bikini. I’d tested it out, and it fell just right so that my wings could still extend.

  He laughed. “You’re getting the hang of it, aren’t you?”

  “I guess so. The idea that I have wings is still a strange one, but I feel like I’m learning to live with it.”

  “That’s what happened with me.” He settled a hand on my hip. “It’s like you’ve always known they were part of you even if you consciously didn’t. Does that make sense?”

  “Perfect sense.” I looked up at him. “Are you ready?”

  “Absolutely.” He pulled off his shirt, and I took in the sight of his chiseled chest again. I fought the urge to run my hand down it. I’d have plenty of time for that later.

  “Let’s go then.” I took off, knowing Toby would follow closely behind. There was something amazing about flying with someone. We didn’t hold hands or anything like that, but he stayed close by so I knew he was there. With our enhanced hearing, we could technically hear over the wind, but we tried to keep things quiet. It was more fun that way.