Search (The Empire Chronicles #2) Read online

Page 13

  “Because I need to talk to her.”

  She nodded so I handed over the phone.

  “Hi.” Her voice was so soft and tentative. Gone was the confident tone she used with me. I hated that he did that to her, but I was glad she could still be strong with me. I stayed close enough to listen in.

  He didn’t respond for a second. “I’m an ass. Let’s just get that out there.”

  She laughed. “I’ll agree with you there.”

  “But that said, we have to move past what happened. I want to help you, and you need to help me.”

  “You want to help me?”

  “Yes. But first, I need your help and Toby’s.”


  “Can you put me on speaker?”

  She handed me the phone, and I changed it to speaker mode. “Go ahead.”

  “This wedding is important. I don’t really get it, but Levi really cares about how it goes.”

  “Of course he does. He wants it perfect for Allie.” Casey smiled. “Most guys want to make their bride happy.”

  “Whatever. That part doesn’t matter. The bigger issue is that I’ve got a bad feeling about it.”

  “A bad feeling?” I tried to keep the skepticism from my voice. “We act on feelings now?”

  “Allie wanted to get married in Hawaii… I get that, but it’s the one U.S. territory on rocky ground right now for us. It’s the perfect location for a strike.”

  “You’re worried Murphy’s going to attack.” It hit me. Jared wasn’t just worried about Allie and Levi. He was worried about Casey too.

  “Make a stop in L.A. I’m getting on.”

  “Where are you now?”

  “Waiting for you.”

  “Wait. You’re getting on this plane?” Casey didn’t hide her anxiety. She was probably more afraid of facing Jared than she was of Murphy.

  “Yes. Is that a problem?” There was a challenge in his words. He knew Casey better than I thought. She never stepped down from a challenge.

  She clenched the comforter in her fist. “No. Come on aboard.”

  “I’ll wait till you land.” The phone call ended.

  “Oh, I guess we’re going to have company.” She walked to the doorway.

  I stopped her and looked right into her eyes. “If you don’t want him to, we don’t have to stop.”

  “Yes, we do.” She smiled lightly before walking out of the room. I didn’t like the flash of sadness that crossed her eyes. It wasn’t just about Jared, it was about everything. Her life as she knew it had spiraled out of control. I knew those feelings and wanted to make it better. The only trouble was I wasn’t sure how.

  So much for an enjoyable fight. I followed her back out into the main cabin of the plane. She took the same seat again and watched out the window. After telling the pilot to detour to LAX, I sat silently beside her for a few minutes. Then she got up and started to pace. She walked up and down the aisle, and I could see the wheels turning in her head. If things weren’t so stressful, it might have even been cute.

  I tried to stay out of her way. “If you don’t stop, you might wear right through the floor.”

  She turned. “Let’s hope the floor of this plane is stronger than that.”

  I laughed. “I think so.”

  After the pilot announced our descent, we took our seats for landing. I took her hand in mine. “You can handle this.”

  She smiled. “I know. It’s going to be an awkward weekend. I might as well get used to it, right?”

  I squeezed her hand. “We’ll make it fun. I promise you that.”

  Moments after taxiing, the pilot let me know our passengers had arrived. I gave Casey’s hand another squeeze. It took me a second to process what he’d said. Passengers? As in more than one.

  I heard voices from the front of the plane and went to investigate. “Uh uh. No way.”

  “What? I told you I was coming.” Jared tried to push past me onto the plane.

  “Yeah. You didn’t mention this one was coming.” I pointed at another of my least favorite people, or should I say Pterons, in the world.

  “Great to see you too, Toby.” Cade patted me on the shoulder. The new Pteron king of the West Coast was dressed in a blazer, slacks, and flip flops.

  “And this must be Casey.” He slipped past me and stopped in front of Casey. “It’s an honor to meet you, princess.” He kissed her hand.

  I cleared my throat. “How does he know who she is?”

  He gave me a long, cold stare. “Because it’s my right to know. You may help run New York, but I’m in charge of the West Coast now.”

  “Yeah. I remember.” Cade was a king, I wasn’t. Instead of running my own kingdom, I did grunt work for Levi.

  Casey looked between us.

  Despite my distaste, I still had to introduce them. “Casey, this is Cade. He’s the heir of the Daly family.”

  “Oh… is that supposed to mean something to me?”

  Cade laughed. “You’ve got a great sense of humor. Come, let’s talk.” He nodded toward the seat she’d been sitting in earlier.

  I knew he wasn’t trying to hit on her. He was only trying to help his position by sweet talking an ally, but I didn’t like it. I didn’t like having two other male Pterons on my plane, especially considering how long of a flight we still had.

  “Is there a reason you decided to join us?” I tried to keep my voice low, but I didn’t appreciate having another uninvited guest cutting into my time with Casey. The weekend was going to be enough of a circus for us.

  “You know, saving money on fuel.” Cade laughed, but no one else did. “Fine. I ran into Jared. I thought I’d join you.”

  “In other words, you wanted to meet Casey before the wedding.” Jared didn’t mince words.

  “That might have played a role.” He shot Casey what he probably thought was a charming smile. I’d call it predatory. Evidently, the new title hadn’t assuaged his hunger for power. If anything, it might have made it worse.

  She walked back to her seat. “We’re probably taking off soon.”

  I quickly sat down next to her before Cade could. Jared was clearly keeping his distance, so I wasn’t quite as worried there.

  “Is everyone ready for the big event? I mean, it isn’t every day the King of The Society gets married.” Cade rested his hands behind his head. He had no problem getting comfortable on my plane.

  “Oh yeah.” Jared didn’t seem particularly excited about the nuptials. Maybe I was imagining things though. I tended to see the worst in him.

  “It should be fun. Besides, I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii.” Casey seemed excited about the trip even though I knew she was still panicky about her sister. I hoped I’d have some better news for her by the time we came back. Jared seemed to have something, but you could never tell with him.

  I expected a call from Tim with an update at any time. Nelly tried to come along, arguing that she had an invite, but I made her stay back in case Tim needed her help. Technically, Tim may have needed a witch’s assistance, but more importantly, I refused to subject Casey to her presence any more than absolutely necessary. Considering the situation couldn’t be easy for her, what with watching a half-brother she’d just met get married, I didn’t want to do anything that could potentially make it worse.

  “Kauai is a beautiful island. If you need a tour guide, be sure to let me know.” Cade threw her another charming smile.

  I put an arm around her. “She’ll be fine.”

  “I’m sure…” He looked between us. “So I guess you guys are breaking all the rules, huh?”

  “Don’t start.” I glared at him.

  “Do you know why they have it?” Casey gripped the armrest next to her. She was obviously nervous to ask. She also carefully avoided looking at Jared. We still hadn’t discussed it.

  “No. I’ve never cared to ask though.”

  Jared cleared his throat. He was obviously uncomfortable with the conversation. Tough luck. No one care
d how he felt.

  “It’s bullshit. There’s no reason for it.” I felt confident in my answer. Even without what Rhett told me, things with Casey were too natural to be wrong.

  Cade surprised me. “I agree. Besides, I assume Casey’s crow?”

  “Yes.” She watched him carefully.

  “The only excuse I’ve ever heard is we’re too closely related, but that’s just in the same bird. I don’t think Pterons from different types have ever had this issue. We’re supposed to hate each other.”

  I scowled. “Such a wonderful way to put it.”

  Cade shrugged. “Hey. I have no problem with it as long as you’re good to our girl here.” Then he turned to Jared. “But why am I getting the vibe Toby isn’t the only one who’s been close to her?”

  Casey groaned and buried her face in her hands.

  Jared took care of it. “End of this conversation. New one. How’s the West Coast going?”

  “It’s going. We didn’t get as many attacks as you guys, but I had to deal with some serious political fall-out from the humans.”

  Jared crossed his arms. “No complaining. You weren’t concerned with the politics when you took over what belonged to Levi.”

  Cade held up his hands. “I’m not complaining. I’m just saying it’s been a crazy few months.”

  Casey laughed. “I know the feeling.”

  Cade turned to her. “I take it you had no hints of your true identity.”

  “None. I was just getting used to the idea that Pterons existed when I found out I was one.”

  “I’m sure it was quite a shock. I still remember the first time I transformed. It was intense, and I’d been raised around Pterons.”

  “I bet it’s always a crazy feeling.” She gazed at some spot on the wall. I wished I knew what she was thinking about. Did she wish her life could go back to the way it was?

  “But a cool one.” Jared stretched out his legs in front of him. “The older I get, the more natural it is. Sometimes I’d prefer to always have my wings.”

  “Wow. Jared Florence waxing philosophical.” Cade grinned. “And I thought I’d seen everything.”

  “I’m just saying. It’s something that grows stronger.” Jared looked at Casey. “One day, you’ll stop viewing your Pteron form as different from who you are. They blend together.”

  “I can see that, but I’m not there yet.” She still didn’t look right at him. She avoided his eyes.

  “You don’t have to be.” I put an arm behind her. “You’re doing great.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled and relaxed into my side. At least I knew I made her comfortable. I had a feeling she’d need all the comfort she could get over the next few days.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  She looked scared. Casey looked terrified of me and that sent a shot of agony through me. It was obviously my fault. What with telling her she didn’t exist to me and then showing up on Toby’s plane. I didn’t want her to be scared.

  The more time that passed, the clearer everything was becoming. I needed to talk to her. I waited until Toby and Cade were occupied to take my chance. I walked over to where she sat gazing out the window. “Hey.”

  “Hi.” There was absolutely no excitement in her voice.

  “Can we talk?” I pressed as hard as I could without frightening her more.

  “Okay.” She made no move to leave her seat.

  “Alone.” That was the only way this was going to work.

  “Absolutely not.” Toby chose that moment to butt in.

  “Since when are you making Casey’s decisions for her?” I knew that line of insinuations would get the result I wanted.

  “Haven’t you caused enough harm already?” Toby frowned. “You’re here to discuss strategy, not to torture her.”

  I ignored his obvious problem with me. His opinion wasn’t the one I cared about. “We just have some things to discuss.”

  “Fine.” Casey stood up. “Let’s talk.”

  She took off down the aisle, and I followed. She stopped short in front of a door. I assumed it led to a bedroom, but I didn’t suggest we go inside. “Listen, I need to ask you something.”

  “Ask.” She frowned.

  “Did Nelly talk to you in New Orleans?”

  “Yeah.” She watched me nervously. “Right before we went to the prison.”

  “What did she say to you?”

  “Why does it matter?” She crossed her arms over her chest protectively. I was hit by another jolt of pain.

  “I just need to know.”

  Casey sighed. “She told me Toby wasn’t over Allie, and that he only liked me because I reminded him of her. At least that’s the gist of it.”

  “Was that it?”

  “Why do you care so much?” She uncrossed her arms.

  “I’m just trying to figure a few things out.” I took another look at her face. I needed to put her at ease. “You can stop hating yourself.”

  “Who says I hate myself?”

  “Says me. Says Allie.” Her words had stuck with me.

  “Allie told you I felt that way?” A look of hurt crossed her face.

  “Don’t get mad. I pulled it out of her.”

  “No matter what she said, I still wanted to, uh, sleep with you.” She looked down at the floor. I hated that she was embarrassed. Why did I have to take things so far? I’d hurt her, and there was no going back to smooth over the past.

  “You weren’t the only one. I was surprised you moved on from Toby that quickly, and I should have assumed something was going on. I guess I just wanted you and didn’t bother to ask questions. Freaking out on you was even worse. I knew it wasn’t your fault, I just couldn’t handle you looking at me like you still liked me.” I let out a deep breath. That was harder than I expected.

  “You don’t apologize much, do you?” Her lips twisted into a small smile.

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Yes, but I’m not great at it either.”

  “This is going to sound lame in every possible way, but is there a chance we can try the friend thing? We’re probably going to be seeing a lot of each other.”

  “Friend thing? Have you ever been friends with a girl you’ve had sex with?” She watched me expectantly.

  “I’ve only had one female friend, and I’d be dead right now if I’d slept with her.”

  She laughed. “I take it you mean Allie, but does this friend thing mean you’re cool if I date Toby?”

  “Surprisingly, I am. Am I a little jealous? Yeah, but that’s also a new experience for me.”

  She laughed again. It was nice to see her relax around me a little. “Is that all we needed to chat about?”

  “Not entirely.”

  “Oh? There’s more?”

  “I’m going to help you.” There. I’d put it out there in person. I wondered if she’d notice that I hadn’t phrased it as a question.

  “Help me how?”

  “Teaching you how to use your new strength and abilities, and by helping you find Vera.”

  She inhaled a sharp breath. “You know where Vera is?”

  “I think so. I’ll know for sure in a few days.” We were getting closer to moving in, but I had to get through the wedding before we could do more.

  “You have to tell me.” She grabbed my shirt, pulling me into her. Casey really needed someone to help her understand her strength. As I suspected, Hailey wasn’t cutting it. The other possibility was that Casey wasn’t listening to her.

  “Calm down.” I looked around her and noticed Toby walking down the aisle. “I already told you I’m going to help.”

  “Help with what?” Toby asked. “You still haven’t told us why you’re here.”

  “He knows where Vera is!” Casey’s face flooded with excitement. I really hoped I was making the right decision. She had a right to know, and she needed to find her sister, but I couldn’t let her put herself in danger.

  “Do you?” Toby looked at me w
ith a mix of surprise and possibly admiration. “When do we go, then?”

  “We?” I hoped he wasn’t including her.

  “Yes. You and me.”

  “Uh, I’m coming too. Don’t think I’m staying behind.”

  “What are we discussing?” Cade made the already crowded aisle feel nearly claustrophobic.

  “My sister is missing and Jared knows where to find her.” Casey moved around me. “Jared, please tell the pilot where he’s dropping us off.”

  “Dropping us off? First, you’re not coming and second, we have a wedding to be at tomorrow. We’re not going now.”

  “The key word is tomorrow.” She tied up her hair like she was preparing to fight or something.

  “You think we’re going to rescue your sister before the wedding?” I’m sure my jaw was on the floor.

  “I know it. How can I go and celebrate a wedding when I know we’re so close to finding Vera?”

  “I’m in,” Cade added casually. “Where are we going?”

  “We’re already hours in the wrong direction.” I needed to stall her. We couldn’t do this yet.

  “I can get all my men behind us.” Cade surprised me by actually being helpful.

  “If we wait until after the wedding, all of the Laurents will help too.” Levi wasn’t going to sign off on anything until after the wedding. He wouldn’t care what I did afterward.

  “And obviously the Blackwell’s will.” Toby put his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “I know you don’t want to wait, but you need to.”

  “Two days? We’ll go right after the wedding?” Her voice said it all. She was giving in.

  “Yes.” I didn’t hesitate with the answer. As little as I knew about Casey outside of our experience together, I knew how much finding her sister meant. I had two days. Two days to make sure everything checked out, and I could keep Casey safe in the process. Of course, I also had to do best man duties and keep Levi from losing it. Nothing I couldn’t handle.

  “Should we call Eric? Do you think he can help us at all?” Casey took a seat on the couch, and Toby joined her.

  “I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean? We can’t trust him?” Her doe eyes got bigger.

  “He’s being watched. Just like we all are.”