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- Alyssa Rose Ivy
The Hazards of Sex on the Beach Page 5
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Page 5
A smile spread across his face. “Did you regret not giving me your number?”
“Yes. I thought I was being cool—doing the right thing. And I guess now that I know who you are, I did do the right thing.”
He scrunched up his forehead. “Wait. What? Why does who I am change anything?”
“You’re in a band. You probably have tons of random hook-ups. I was only memorable because I didn’t give you my number.” In his line of work, he probably had girls throwing their numbers at him.
“Hold that thought.” Chase looked at his brother. “Len, could you help me out for a second?”
Len gave me a once over. “Sure.”
“Would you describe me as the kind of guy that has so many hook-ups I don’t remember the girls?”
Len laughed. “Not quite. He’s the celibate of the group. Even Jessa gets more ass than him.”
“Thank you. Now one more question. How would you describe my behavior after meeting Cara?”
“Meeting? Is that what you’re calling it these days?” He wriggled an eyebrow. “But either way, he was half flying high and half freaking out.”
“Thanks, Len. You can go back to bragging about how great you are to that poor girl.”
Jade laughed. Clearly she wasn’t bored with whatever he was saying.
Chase leaned in close again. “So, what were you saying? Why do I remember you?”
“I want you.” Those were not the three words I meant to say.
“Blunt. I like it.”
I wanted to disappear. “Sorry. I can’t believe I just said that.”
“And you said it while sober, am I right?”
“Completely.” A drink would have been great to cut my nerves, but there was something nice about not having anything clouding my judgment this time. Chase was hard enough to resist as it was.
Our pancakes were delivered, and I bought myself some time, taking a bite.
“I want you too, and I’m sober.”
I set down my fork. “Are you always this honest with girls?” I was used to forward guys, but they still usually beat around the bush more.
“Are you always this honest with guys?”
“I asked first.” I took a long sip of water.
“I don’t know. Sometimes.”
Len laughed. I guess he was listening in. “In other words, he hasn’t asked a girl to hook up with him in a while.”
“Unlike Len, who’s the expert on getting shot down.”
I chuckled. “Wow, you guys are brothers.”
“And bandmates. The combination leads to some interesting arguments.” Len leaned back in the booth, slinging his arm around Jade.
I was curious what he was eluding to, but I let it go. “So, where in Charleston does your brother live?”
Len laughed. “Already thinking about how you’re going to get Chase alone, huh?”
I could feel the blood rushing to my face. “No. Of course not.”
“Of course not?” Chase leaned in to whisper in my ear. “Weren’t you just telling me that you wanted me?”
“That doesn’t mean that’s the reason I was asking,” I whispered back.
Len smiled. I sensed he heard every word we were exchanging. “He’s downtown near the battery. He’s got a place with his fiancé.”
“Nice. So, I gathered from what you said earlier, he’s not a musician.”
“No, he’s a lawyer.” Len polished off his pie and pushed the empty plate away. “At least one of us is making Mom proud.”
I smiled. “I’m sure you all make her proud.”
“Do you have any siblings?” Chase asked. It was the kind of question you’d ask when you first meet someone and not after you’d had sex, but better late than never.
“Nope, it’s just me.”
“An only child. Interesting.” Len studied me.
“Why is that interesting?” I leaned back into Chase’s arm. He squeezed my shoulder lightly so I looked up at him and caught a smile.
“I just think the number and gender of siblings in a family can say a lot about someone.”
“What does having one sister say?” Jade asked.
Len smiled at her. “It says you know how to share, and you’re probably competitive.”
“Know how to share?” She gave him a skeptical look. “You better not be referring to what I think you are.”
Len held up his hands in defense. “I just meant that you share toys well.”
Jade shook her head. “Likely story.”
“Hey, would you girls like to hear some of the new stuff Chase has been working on?” Len was asking us, but he was looking at Chase.
“That sounds great.” Jade looked at me. “That is if Cara’s up for it.”
Chase looked hesitant until Len nodded toward me and Chase’s expression changed. “I guess I could play something. What do you say?” His gaze was penetrating and impossible to avoid.
“Sure, why not.”
“Awesome.” Chase put down a few bills on the table to cover the meal, and we got up and headed out. I wasn’t sure if heading back to some unknown apartment was the best idea, so I fell back on an old trick. I texted Mallory and Juliet. Hanging out with Chase, turns out he’s the lead singer of Chance of a Lifetime. Jade’s with me.
Of course, my phone immediately went off with reply texts from my roommates. At a party or not, they were worried about me and had their cells close.
I laughed at the What??? they both replied with.
I could feel Chase looking at my screen but didn’t try to hide it. I’ll call you later. I pocketed my phone.
“You think my name’s enough that they’d be able to find you?” Chase’s arm brushed mine as we walked down the dark street.
“It’s a start.” The truth was I trusted Chase. Maybe that would end up being a huge mistake, but at the moment I decided to follow my gut, and it was telling me that he wasn’t going to do anything I didn’t already want. I also sensed Jade knew what she was doing. If she ended up messing around with Len, it would be by choice. For the second time that night, I reflected on how glad I was that we hadn’t been drinking.
Riley lived on the top floor of a renovated old house near Rutledge Street. I swallowed down some nerves as Chase pushed open the door. Would his brother think we were groupies? The thought made me sick. But then again, was I any better?
I glanced around the mostly open space. A small hallway shot off along the side.
“Hey, guys.” A girl, probably in her early to mid-twenties, walked into the room. She was wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt, but somehow she wore them in a way that made them look like more.
“Hey, Rachel. This is Cara and her friend Jade.” He specifically separated Jade’s name from mine. Was he trying to get something across?
Rachel’s face brightened. “Cara? As in the Cara?”
I assumed Rachel was Riley’s fiancé, and there was just no way Chase had told her about me. It had only been a few weeks.
“Yes, the Cara.” Chase put an arm around me.
Len laughed. “And before you ask, no she didn’t know who he was. Her friend’s a fan and just brought her along tonight.”
“Wow. Maybe it’s fate.”
She was the second person to use that word. I used to believe in fate. I’d thought that’s what made me get picked for the hazing activity where I met Aaron for the first time. Considering how that relationship turned out, I was doubting fate’s existence.
“And she’s in the right house.” Rachel gestured to my tank top. “I was Delta Mu at UNC.”
“Wait, seriously?” I loved meeting other Delta Mu’s.
“Yeah. Alpha Beta chapter.” She turned to Jade. “Are you Delta Mu as well?”
“Yeah. I just got initiated.”
“Chase dating a Delta Mu. Nice. Maybe you do have good taste.” She patted Chase on the shoulder. “Let me get your brother. He’s still working.”
“Now?” Len asked. “It’s after elev
“You know Riley.” She rolled her eyes.
I smiled. I already liked the girl.
She walked off down the hallway.
Chase pulled me against his side. “Did you see that? I associate with sorority girls.”
I pushed his side. “What you mean is your brother does.”
“Hey, I like Rachel.”
Chase and I followed the others into the living room. Jade and Len were already sitting on a red sectional couch. I took a seat on the other end, and once again, even though there was plenty of space, Chase sat down nearly on top of me. Either he didn’t understand personal space, or he didn’t care about it when it came to me. I had a feeling it was the latter, and I was perfectly fine with it. The feel of his leg against my bare skin constantly sent a thrill through me.
“So this is the famous Cara?” A guy who looked a whole lot like Chase walked in.
I scrambled to stand up and hold out a hand. “Hi, you must be Riley.”
“Glad to know my brothers mention my existence.”
“We talk about your graciousness at housing our sorry asses a few times a year.” Len laughed. “This is Jade.” He nodded toward where she sat nervously.
“Pleasure to meet both of you.”
“I’m sorry if this is too late to be over,” Jade quickly apologized.
“Not at all. I’m just getting some work done and Rachel’s a night owl.”
“It’s nice to have company that doesn’t relate to Riley’s work for a change.” There was something almost lonely about the way Rachel sounded that didn’t quite fit with the outgoing personality she wore.
“Okay, just checking.” Jade visibly relaxed.
“I’m sorry I didn’t make it out to the show tonight, guys.” Riley seemed to feel legitimately bad. “I had plans to, I even told Rachel to wait, but this is a crazy week at work.”
“That’s fine. You’ve seen us play enough to last a lifetime.” Chase smiled reassuringly.
“I heard you’ve got some new material. Any chance I could get a preview?” Rachel set her doe eyes on Chase.
He laughed. “I did promise these girls I’d play something anyway.”
“It works out great then.” Rachel handed him an acoustic guitar.
He took the guitar and repositioned himself. This time, he left more room. I curled up my legs under me as he started to play. There was something mesmerizing about listening to him play completely acoustic. Without any other accompaniment, his gravely low voice took over. The emotion in his voice and the care with which he handled his guitar made my chest clench. I already knew Chase was attractive, and I’d seen him perform live at the show, but this was different. I found myself wishing it was just the two of us in the room.
I closed my eyes and tried to just live in the moment. I got so lost in the music that when he stopped playing, it was like he was jerking me back.
Riley laughed. “I think she liked it, bro.”
I fought off the blush I knew was coming when I opened my eyes. What was I embarrassed of? They already knew I hooked up with Chase.
Jade glanced at her watch. “I hate to do this, but I need to go.”
“Really? Already?” Len seemed disappointed.
“Now?” Chase sounded downright distraught.
“I’ve got my radio show at five a.m. tomorrow.”
“You do college radio?” Riley asked.
“Yeah, I’m a freshman, so I have the worst possible slot.”
Riley laughed. “Yeah, that was me too. Good luck with it.”
I stood up and tugged down on my skirt. “Well, it was nice meeting all of you, and seeing you again, Chase.”
“You don’t have to come with me, Cara.” Jade stared at me long and hard. “I’ll get a cab, and you can do the same when you’re ready.”
“Are you right over on campus?” Rachel grabbed her keys. “Let me drive you.”
I hesitated. It was already well after midnight. Staying behind made it highly likely I wasn’t going home until the next morning. Did I want that?
Chase put a hand on my hip in a familiar way I wasn’t expecting. Still, I instinctively leaned into his hold. “All right, but call me when you get in.”
“I can say the same thing to you.” Jade gave me a hug. “You need to give this a chance.” She pulled back and walked to the door.
“See ya later.” I waved.
After the door closed, Chase turned me so I was looking at him. “I’m glad you’re not leaving.”
“Me too.” I pushed some hair behind my ear.
“So, Len, let’s go hang out on the balcony for a little while.” Riley grabbed Len’s arm, and they left. Len winked at us as he walked out.
“Want to go for a walk?” Hearing those words brought me back to the night on the beach. The last time I accepted the invitation, I ended up having sex on the sand. Admittedly this time he was inviting me to move further away from his bed.
“Where do you want to go?”
“Just down to the water or something.”
“All right.” I grabbed my purse. I wasn’t sure whether I’d be coming back.
We headed back downstairs and walked the short distance to the battery. We strolled in silence for a few minutes before settling down on a bench swing. Chase got us moving.
I wrapped my arms around my chest. The breeze from the water made the night even cooler. When I’d picked out my outfit, I hadn’t been concerned about spending much time outside.
“Are you cold? Do you want to go back inside?”
“No,” I answered completely honestly. There was something almost enchanting about the quiet evening. Being with Chase felt far more comfortable than I’d have ever expected.
“Are you sure?” He put a hand on my leg. The contact warmed me up.
“No, but leave your hand there. You’re warm.” Once again, I was forward with him. Maybe it was because we’d already had sex. That kind of intimacy changes people I guess.
“No problem.” He moved his hand up and down my leg. The touch sent warmth far more places than just my leg.
We sat in silence again, as though neither of us wanted to break the spell of the evening. Eventually, he broke the silence. “Can I show you some things back at Riley’s?”
I laughed. “Is that your way of getting me into a bedroom?”
“Technically, yes, but not for the reason you think.”
“Then sure.” Even Chase’s touch couldn’t keep me warm for that long. I accepted his hand, and we walked back to Riley’s apartment. Warmth greeted me as soon as we walked inside, and I felt surprisingly few nerves as he led me down the hallway into a tiny bedroom which was filled almost completely with a double bed.
I sat down on the edge of his bed while he rifled through a duffel bag. “Here’s my proof.”
“Your proof?” I accepted the handful of plain white pages he offered.
“Yeah. You didn’t seem persuaded by my sex on the beach song, but here’s a bunch of other stuff I wrote after meeting you.” He sat down next to me and took my hand. “I probably sound absolutely crazy and borderline insane, but I felt something that night, and it wasn’t just good sex.”
“So, the sex was good for you too?” I smiled.
“Very. A little sandy, but that kind of comes with the territory.”
I rested my head on his chest. “We can’t just have sex tonight.”
“Technically, we could.” He grinned. “But I think talking has to be high on the list.”
“But what’s the point? I mean, you’re just going to leave. When do you leave anyway?”
“Tomorrow.” He ran his thumb over my hand.
“Exactly my point.”
“It’s still worth it. Now that I actually know who you are and where to find you, it’s much more likely I’ll see you again.”
“It might also help if you had my number.”
“Yes, that would help.” He fished his phone out of his back pocket. “W
hat is it?”
I read it off to him, and moments later, my phone vibrated in my purse. I took it out to add him as a contact and to send quick texts to my roommates to tell them I was fine. Neither of them would be sleeping in our room that night, so they’d never know I wasn’t there.
“Nice, you did give me the real number.”
I pushed him playfully, which somehow ended up with me lying down on the bed with him next to me. “Of course I gave you the real number.”
“I’m glad, because I didn’t want to have to show up at your sorority house begging to see you.”
“You’d beg to see me?” I slipped my hand under his t-shirt.
He closed his eyes. “That feels so good.”
“That does? But I’m barely touching you.”
“Image how good I’d feel if you were doing something more than barely touching me then.” He raised an eyebrow.
“Then get your shirt out of the way.” I leaned up and pulled his t-shirt over his head. I took in the sight of him shirtless. I’d only gotten a moonlight view last time, and he looked even better in the brighter light of the lamp. He wasn’t diesel like Aaron, but I liked that. Chase clearly worked out, and every part of him was toned, but it wasn’t over the top.
“Do I get to have you shirtless then too?” He pulled up on the edge of my layered tanks.
“I suppose it’s only fair.” I pulled both tanks off in one motion. Before I could contemplate taking off my bra, he had it unclasped and tossed to the edge of the bed with our shirts.
“I missed these.” He cupped my breasts in his hands.
“You mean my nice tits.”
He laughed. “I did not use those words.”
“Oh yeah?” I ran my hand down his chest. “Then what words did you use?”
“I may have said something about perfect.”
“Perfect? My breasts aren’t perfect.”
“Yes, they are.” He lowered his mouth to one.
I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of his tongue gliding across my nipple.
“The perfect size—not too big, not too small.” He squeezed both breasts. “The right shape, and they fit perfectly in my hands and mouth.” He lightly nipped my other nipple with his teeth. “What isn’t perfect about them?”
I was so turned on it wasn’t funny. So much for not having sex. I reached down and undid his belt. He was sliding my skirt down my hips before I got to his button.