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- Alyssa Rose Ivy
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Page 5
After dessert was cleared away, Levi touched my arm. “You ready?”
“Where do we go for the meeting?”
“You can’t guess?”
“Wait, is it at the hotel?”
“Of course.” He took my hand. Hailey was talking to the guy next to her, who I recognized as the bouncer from Bruno’s, but Levi interrupted. “You coming, Hailey?”
“I’ll meet you there.” She smiled, so I just waved.
I let Levi lead me out with a hand on my back. The valet pulled his car around as soon as we reached the front.
Levi opened my door for me, closing it before going around to his side.
“So what did you think of dinner?” He turned on the radio to some rock station, adjusting the volume to a barely audible level that made me wonder why he bothered with it at all.
“It was really good.”
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”
He took his eyes off the road to look at me. “I love your honesty, Al, but I need to know.”
“I’ll tell you after the meeting.” I knew he wouldn’t give up, but I didn’t want to rile him up before something important.
“Back at my place?” He smiled sheepishly.
“You do realize I’m not coming over, right?”
He let out a deep breath. “Unfortunately, I’m painfully aware. I figured that out when you stopped after one glass of wine.”
“Very perceptive.”
“I’m always perceptive when it comes to you.”
Not always. He’d totally missed Bryant coming on to me.
He pulled up out front of the hotel in a spot that seemed to have been left open for him. I walked in, relieved that Billy, my friend who worked as a bell boy, wasn’t there. I hadn’t been back since school started, but I’d spent the whole summer working at the hotel my dad owned. My friend, Alex, was working at the bar, and he just shook his head when he saw me walk in with Levi. I waved, pretending I didn’t notice his disapproval.
We walked over to the elevators, and I followed Levi in. I waited as he pushed the button for the basement, inserting a key card that allowed us to go to a floor of the building that didn’t officially exist. Knowing we were about to enter pitch blackness, I grabbed on to Levi’s hand. He’d be able to see perfectly. Levi squeezed my hand as the doors opened, and we walked out into the blackness.
Chapter Six
So much had changed since the last time I’d walked down the marble floored hallway of the basement. Now I knew Levi was a prince, and that I’d become some sort of princess. I was glad to have his large, strong hand wrapped around mine as we walked into the chambers. It made the entrance at least a little less intimidating.
Owen and Jared both stood up as we walked in. We’d barely taken two steps into the room when they met up with us.
Levi turned to me. “I have to sit with my dad, so you don’t mind sitting with them, do you?”
I was okay as long as he wasn’t leaving me alone. “No, it’s fine. Hopefully Hailey will get here soon.”
“Aw, missing me already, roomie?” Hailey joined us.
“I miss you every time we’re apart.”
“The feeling’s mutual, babe. Completely mutual.” She linked arms with mine, and I waved goodbye to Levi as we followed Jared and Owen over to a couple of stone seats that were part of a circular pattern with multiple levels of stadium seating.
The chamber was cold and the bare skin of my legs against the cool stone wasn’t ideal. “Next time, we’re wearing pants.”
Hailey laughed. “Agreed.”
I looked around for Levi, but I couldn’t find him. Jared leaned over to talk to me. “He’s going to enter with his dad.”
“So it’s different from the ball then? Because shouldn’t Allie be with him?” Hailey turned to Jared.
“It’s completely different. This is business.”
“Ball?” I asked.
“Yeah, there’s an annual ball each winter.”
“Trust me, you’ll hear all about it. I’m sure Helen’s already planning your dress.” Hailey crossed her legs.
“My dress?”
“Of course.”
I decided to ask the question on my mind even if I got made fun of for it. “Does Levi usually just bring random dates?”
Jared laughed. “You jealous, Allie?”
“No, just curious.”
“He always went alone. It wouldn’t have been appropriate for him to bring someone other than his mate,” Hailey explained.
I tried to ignore the flood of relief I felt. “Oh, cool.”
“Levi’s going to love that you were jealous.” Owen tried to stretch out his long legs. In addition to being cold, the stone seats were cramped.
I crossed my arms, half out of annoyance and half from the cold. “Come on, I was just curious.”
Jared arched an eyebrow. “Keep telling yourself that.”
The room grew quiet and everyone stood up. I followed their lead, looking toward the doorway. A procession of men filed in. Then Levi came in, followed by his father. They took seats in the center of the room. As soon as they were seated, everyone else sat too. “Levi usually sits behind him,” Jared whispered.
“What’s changed?”
He pointed at me. “You.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Taking you as his mate let his dad know he was ready. He’s letting him transition into leadership. Levi is now his senior advisor. He’ll eventually take over, of course.”
“Levi never told me that.”
Jared leaned back in his seat. “Not surprising.”
Levi looked over to where we sat and smiled at me. I smiled back. I had to admit there was something cool about being with someone in such a respected position.
I jumped as I heard a loud bang. “It’s just the doors closing and locking,” Jared explained.
“No one’s allowed in or out until the proceedings are completely over.”
I shivered. The chilly temperature of the room was only accentuated by the fact that I was locked in a room with paranormal creatures. The thought scared me more than a little. I wrapped my arms tighter around myself.
Levi glanced at me and got up. “What’s he doing?” I said to myself as he walked directly over to me.
Stopping right in front of us, he took off his blazer and put it over my shoulders. “This should help.” He kissed me on the cheek before taking his seat. His father gave him an approving smile. I wondered if the chivalrous display was really about helping me, or if it was for appearances sake.
“Welcome all.” Robert stood and addressed the room. “The Autumn meeting is officially in session. We will follow the usual schedule tonight. Before I turn the floor over to my advisors, I want to emphasize the importance of discretion. Nothing discussed tonight may leave the room.” He continued to describe the rules and introduced his advisors. Listening to Robert, I could have been in a trance. He definitely had the gift of public speaking.
Each advisor took turns making presentations, but none really caught my attention until Jett Florence stood. I knew he was head of security, but I didn’t realize he was also an advisor. It seemed to be setup kind of like a president and his cabinet.
“The threat of the Blackwell’s has grown. We have reason to believe they’re planning to take out the Laurent line from within.”
A few gasps filled the room. “We will, of course, determine the reliability of this intelligence, but until then, I urge all of you to use caution. If you have any suspicions, you need to report them to my department immediately.
That brings me to my next point, the need to increase the security force. I want to take on an additional officer within the next year.”
Robert interrupted. “I assume Jared will be taking that position.”
I looked over at Jared, his face
was emotionless.
Jett cleared his throat. “I am not sure he’s ready for the job.”
“How can you say that?” Levi lashed out. I had to admire his loyalty to his friend.
Jett’s expression didn’t waver, even when Levi directed his anger at him. “Bryant and I aren’t sure he’s prepared.”
“What?” I hadn’t realized I’d spoken out loud until I felt Hailey’s hand on my arm.
“Do you have something you’d like to say, Allison?” Robert asked.
I don’t know what came over me, but I remembered how rude Jared’s brother and dad had been earlier. Bryant was coming on to Levi’s mate, and Jared wasn’t ready?
“Yes, I have something to say.” I slipped my arms through the sleeves of Levi’s coat.
“What are you doing?” Hailey whispered.
Robert looked amused. “You have my permission to address the assembly.”
I swallowed and stood up. “How can you say that Jared isn’t ready?”
“Is there a reason you think my judgment is unsound?” Jett asked, his face a mask of stone.
The whole room had turned to look at me, but no one said a word.
“Jared saved my life. Doesn’t saving the life of your prince’s mate count for something?”
I didn’t realize it until after the words were out, but that was the first time I’d admitted I was Levi’s mate.
Robert chuckled. “Yes, it does. So I take it you support Jared’s installment as a security officer after his graduation?”
“Yes. It’s no secret Jared and I haven’t always seen eye to eye.” There were some laughs. “But I wouldn’t hesitate to trust him completely.”
Robert nodded. “Thank you for sharing your opinion. It will be taken into consideration.”
“Thank you.” I pulled Levi’s jacket tighter around myself and sat down. I risked a glance over at Levi, and he was grinning at me. Evidently, he approved.
“Who are you, and what did you do with my best friend?” Hailey whispered loudly.
I just shrugged.
Jared leaned over. “I have no idea where that came from, but thanks. I owe you.”
“I’ll remember that.”
Jared made so much more sense to me. His arrogance was at least somewhat explained by his jerk of a brother, and anyone whose dad could publicly degrade him like that deserved some understanding in my book. I wondered what Jett would think if he knew about the way Bryant had treated me.
I tried to pay attention to the rest of the proceedings, but I was still dealing with the post adrenaline rush from having spoken against a man like Jett Florence. I had a feeling I was one of the first.
The night wore on, and it had to have been at least three o’clock by the time Robert closed the meeting. The doors finally opened.
“Want to just stay upstairs and take the streetcar to class?” I asked Hailey.
“Oh yeah, you still have your room.” Hailey nodded enthusiastically. “That sounds great.”
I stood up with everyone else as Levi and his father left.
“Levi will probably be a bit, but we can wait for him upstairs,” Owen offered.
“Can you just tell him Hailey and I are staying in my room here? I’m too tired to go anywhere.”
“Sure, want us to go up with you?” Jared was looking at me differently. He was probably trying to figure out why in the world I defended him.
“I think we’ll make it.” I moved out of the way as people maneuvered around us to reach the exit.
“All right, sleep well.” Jared looked relieved that he didn’t have to worry about me. I’m sure he was exhausted too.
“We will.” Hailey linked arms with me again, and I let her lead us to the elevator. Her super vision came in handy.
Once back in my room, I gave Hailey some extra clothes, and changed into a t-shirt. I was glad I’d left a few things in my dresser. We barely said anything before we both collapsed.
I woke up groggily when I heard a noise coming from the main sitting area. I doubted Hailey had left the other bedroom in the suite, so I got up to check.
I wasn’t surprised when I saw Levi standing by the open balcony door. He was shirtless, and his wings were still extended. He must have just landed. He retracted his large, black wings.
“Don’t you knock?”
He grinned. “I didn’t want to wake you up.”
“So what was your plan?”
“Ideally, I was going to sneak into your bed, but I guess I was louder than I thought.”
“No, I just don’t sleep deeply anymore.” We both knew why that was. Getting kidnapped by cougar shifters and almost raped can do that to a girl.
I looked away. Seeing him without a shirt was doing a number on me.
He noticed. “Still going to tell me you don’t want to work things out?”
“Yes, but I’m too tired to argue.”
“I just wanted to tell you that you were awesome tonight. Plus, you did promise to tell me what upset you.”
I’d hoped he’d forgotten. “Okay, but we need to be quiet. I don’t want to wake up Hailey.”
“I can do quiet.”
I sat down on the couch next to him, not even caring that I was only wearing a t-shirt. He’d seen me in less. “I don’t want you going off your handle.”
“I can’t promise that. If someone did something to upset you, there will be consequences.”
I already saw his eyes changing. I couldn’t set him off. It wasn’t worth it.
“It really wasn’t anything. I—I just kind of wished we didn’t have to pretend.” It wasn’t a lie. It had gone through my head more than once. I wished Levi hadn’t hurt me so bad that I could never trust him again.
A slow smile spread across his face. “Why would I get mad about that?” His eyes went from black to heated. “I don’t want to pretend either.”
“You’d be mad that it still doesn’t change things.”
“It will one day. It has to.” He scooted closer to me. “We belong together.” His breath was warm on my face and he put an arm around me. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too, but it doesn’t matter.” I closed my eyes. It was so late, and I couldn’t fight the exhaustion anymore. I felt Levi shift us so that we were lying down, his arms wrapped around me.
I forced words out even as I felt myself drift toward sleep. “I shouldn’t fall asleep with you.”
“You’ve slept with me on the couch before. I’ll be good.”
“I know.” I was vaguely aware of him pulling the blanket off the back of the couch and covering us with it.
“Goodnight, Al.”
“Night.” I already knew it would be the best few hours of sleep I’d had in weeks.
“Morning, love,” Levi said softly. I turned to look at him. It wasn’t easy considering the size of Levi and the couch.
“Hi.” One of Levi’s hands was still wrapped around my waist—under my t-shirt. He didn’t seem interested in moving it.
“Next time, let’s use a bed. If I recall correctly, you have a perfectly good king size one in there.”
I felt warm just thinking about how he knew that. That night had been incredible—the best night of my life. Too bad what happened afterwards was a nightmare.
“Thinking about it again, aren’t you?” He used his free hand to brush some hair off my face. Strangely enough, I let him.
“You said my name a few times last night.” He grinned.
“And that somehow meant I was thinking about that night.”
“It’s how you said it. The first time I answered, but then I realized you were sleeping. The next few times made it pretty obvious what you were dreaming about.”
“I wasn’t having sex dreams about you, Levi.” I sat up, then stood as soon as I woke up enough.
Levi sat up and stretched. “Seriously, my back is killing me.”
“It’s not my
fault. Whose idea was it to stay here?”
“I’m not saying it wasn’t worth it. It was definitely worth it.” He raked his eyes over me, and I suddenly felt self-conscious.
Hailey’s door opened. “Well, hello there. What did I miss after I went to bed last night?”
“Good morning, Hailey.” Levi got up to pull on the t-shirt he’d carelessly thrown over a chair when he came in the night before.
“You have a nine o’clock, right?” she asked.
“What time is it?”
“Eight twenty. If we get a cab, you’ll make it back just in time to grab your books.”
“I’ll drive you,” Levi offered.
“Normally I’d say no thanks, but I can’t be late.” I sighed with relief. Catching a cab in the morning could take a while.
“You’re cute.” Levi put a hand on the back of the couch.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re honestly worried about being late to your econ class, aren’t you?” He slipped into his black shoes.
“Of course, it’s only the second day.” I ignored the fact that he knew what class I had. That was old news.
“I just need to get dressed. Come with me Hailey, I’m sure you can find something too.” She followed me, wearing the PJ pants and t-shirt I’d given her. I’d let her have the only pair of PJ pants. I wouldn’t have if I’d known about the company.
Fifteen minutes later, we were slipping into Levi’s car. “Thanks for the hospitality, Al. That was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a while.”
It was mine too, but I kept the fact that I was still having nightmares to myself. “Glad to hear it, but don’t expect it to happen again.”
He started the engine. “It will. Very soon.”
“No, it won’t.”
Hailey laughed. “You guys act like an old, married couple sometimes—wait you are mar—”
“Don’t say it, Hail.” I turned back to glare at her.
Levi put a hand on my leg. “Don’t say married? See, telling everyone at school we’re engaged isn’t so bad, is it?”
I pushed his hand off even though I liked it there. I needed to put my resistance back up. I was getting dangerously close to giving in to him. Truthfully, I’d already given in. Letting him spend the night on the couch was a huge step in the wrong direction.