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Page 17

  Violet cleared her throat. “I’m sure you already understand by the very fact that we brought her here, but she came into her condition by no fault of her own.”

  “I’m sure.” He studied my face. “Daisy, is it?”

  I nodded, still too nervous to speak.

  “I’m Louie.”

  “Hi,” I squeaked out.

  “No reason to be nervous.” He smiled revealing two rows of perfectly white teeth. All of these Allures had perfect teeth. “You’re among friends here.”

  I said nothing and stood stock still.

  “Let’s go for a walk, shall we?” He held out his hand.

  I looked at Violet with panic. Walking off with this guy wasn’t part of the plan.

  Much to my horror Violet nodded. “Go ahead. We’ll be waiting inside.”

  Roland started to let go of my hand, but I held on tighter.

  Louie took a step toward me. “It’s all right, child. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “The last person to call me child did this to me.” At the time I’d never imagined how much my life would change because of her.

  “I assure you I won’t do the same.”

  “Can’t we talk here?” My whole body started to shake uncontrollably.

  Roland squeezed my hand, and my body calmed. “Stay calm. He’s going to help you.”

  “I don’t need help.”

  “You don’t?” He released my hand and the shaking restarted.

  “What’s going on?”

  “You’re petrified.” Louie spoke slowly.

  “I’m not that scared.”

  “Come with me. We’ll walk the gardens.”

  “Go with him, Daisy.” Violet pushed my arm. “I swear it’s okay.”

  Louie smiled reassuringly. “Would you feel better if we had a chaperone?”


  “I assume you’re frightened to be alone with me?”

  “Roland relaxes her for some reason.” Hugh spoke for the first time.

  Louie turned to Hugh. “Now that’s interesting, isn’t it?”

  “It is.” Roland kept his eyes fixed on Louie.

  “Would you walk with us as far as the garden gates? You can wait for us there. You’ll still be within shouting distance which might put our friend at ease.”

  “Absolutely,” Roland answered quickly.

  I found myself nodding. I had to get this over with. The sooner I did, the sooner I’d get to see Owen.

  I reluctantly accepted Louie’s outstretched hand, and he led us around to the side of the house. A large gate that matched the one out front opened to an expansive garden. “Shall we?”

  “Sure.” I glanced at Roland who was nodding emphatically for me to go on.

  The garden was older, as evidenced by the aging planter beds, but the flowers and plants it housed were spectacular. The colors were what I’d have expected in a much more tropical setting. “Wow, this is beautiful.”

  “Isn’t it?” Louie walked beside me, thankfully leaving a socially acceptable amount of space; the type of space Violet and Roland never seemed to leave.

  “Have you lived here long?”

  “Longer than you know.” He smiled lightly.

  “Okay…” Of all the questions I had, that one wasn’t the most pressing.

  “Are you ready to tell me what happened?”

  “There isn’t all that much to tell. I went to a Voodoo shop in New Orleans, and a witch gave me a paste called Seduction’s Kiss that seemed to garner me a lot of attention.”

  “I’m sure by now you understand what was in that paste.”

  “Yes and no.”

  “Honest. Sometimes a nice trait.”

  “Sometimes? Isn’t honesty always best?”

  “You know that’s not true as much as I do. If your friend has gained a few pounds, would you tell her she looks fat?”

  “Of course not.”

  His lips twisted up into a smile. “Then you understand. In this case honesty is good. I can’t help you unless I know everything.”

  “Why is everyone so convinced I need help? I was fine before I met Violet and the guys.”

  “Were you?” He raised an eyebrow. “I would think coping with the increased attention of everyone you meet would be difficult.”

  “It wasn’t as bad before I returned to New Orleans.”

  “It would have happened eventually.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because what is meant to happen, always happens.” Unlike Violet, Louie didn’t seem to believe in defying fate.

  “Will it eventually wear off then?”

  “Wear off?” His brow wrinkled. “What have my friends told you so far?”

  “Not much. They seemed hell bent on me talking to you first.”

  He sighed. “But of course.”

  “I take it this isn’t good news?”

  “It depends how you view it, I suppose. Would you prefer to sit down or continue walking?”

  “Walking. If I sit down I’ll just get more antsy.”

  “Good choice. I prefer movement myself.”

  We continued weaving our way around the well-kept garden. My eyes lingered on the ivy and the section of bushes all cut into animal shapes.

  “I’d prefer some honesty right now.”

  “I’m not sure how much of it you’re going to be able to handle.”

  I stopped short in front of him. “Considering everything I’ve been through, I think I can handle it.”

  “Ok, then let’s start from the top. I don’t even fully understand what’s happening to you.”

  Disappointment and relief hit me all at once. “I thought you were supposed to be the expert.”

  He laughed. “An expert? No. I’m just really old.”

  I looked at him. “Yeah, real old.”

  “Looks can be deceiving.”

  I didn’t quite know what he meant. Did Allures age really slowly? Violet hadn’t said anything about that. “What can you tell me?”

  “I can tell you that the paste you were given likely would have had one of two effects.”

  “Which are?”

  “It could have done nothing but make you irresistible for a few nights.”

  “Or?” That first option didn’t apply to me.

  “Or your body would embrace it and accept it for what it was.”

  “Meaning, what?”

  “Meaning exactly what I said. Your body accepted it. You’re going through a lot of changes.”

  “This sounds like a puberty talk.”

  Louie laughed. “Not quite, but important changes nonetheless.”

  “What does that mean? What does this have to do with me being less and less affected by the Allures?”

  He stopped suddenly. “Explain what you mean by that.”

  “At first Violet and the guys could influence me a little when they touched me, but that doesn’t seem to be working now, although Roland relaxes me still.”

  “But he’s not trying to relax you, so that’s different.”

  “Different? Why does everyone think that’s weird?”

  “Let’s start with the bigger question. Why has their touch stopped affecting you?”

  “Ok. Fair enough. Why? Why has it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “How helpful.” Louie seemed to have more questions than answers. “But you do know how to stop it?”

  He shook his head. “No. And here’s where you might want to sit down.”

  “I’ll stay standing.”

  “You may not be able to stop it. Take some time and let that sink in.”

  “That’s not the kind of thing you can just let sink in.” I wanted to be sick. There had to be a way to get rid of it. “Another witch helped. Maybe there’s more that she could do.”

  “In theory, sure, but it’s doubtful. If her magic worked, the paste would be losing its effectiveness, not gaining it. All she accomplished was to temporarily dampen the eff
ect and to slow down the process. The one possibility I can think of is finding the first witch. What was her name?”

  “Kalisa. She worked at the Midnight Cauldron in New Orleans, but now it’s like she never existed.”

  “If she exists, we’ll find her.” His eyes darkened. “I’m not confident she can help, but we can try.”

  “It’s possible she can help though. That’s something.” I said mostly to myself. I refused to believe there was nothing I could do. Everything could be changed. Didn’t Violet say that?

  “Did Violet tell you anything about how we are born?”

  “No.” I wrapped my arms around myself. I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know.

  “First tell me, what are your plans? What brought you in contact with Violet and her companions?”

  “I was searching for a guy. A Pteron.” There was no reason to bother with the job interview cover now. “He saved me from vampires that wanted me because of that stupid Seduction’s Kiss stuff.”

  “And did you find him?”

  I shook my head. “No. Violet said they’d help me find him if I could help them track down Kalisa.”

  “Do they know where he is?”

  “They have a friend that might know.”

  “You love this Pteron?” Louie held his hand out as if to feel the light breeze moving through the garden.

  I shrugged. I wasn’t in the mood to make anyone else think I was crazy. “I don’t know what it is, but I have to find him. I’ve been obsessed for years, and I need closure.” I repeated Roland’s words, even though they didn’t come close to covering how I felt about Owen.

  “Then you need to go. Find him, and then return here. This talk can wait.”

  “Wait… that’s it? This big important talk was just that?”

  “I want you to find Owen first. You’ll be able to concentrate better later.” He turned and started heading for the gate. “You’ll thank me later.”

  “Will I?”

  He glanced at me over his shoulder. “Either that or you’ll curse me for it, but I believe you need this opportunity. You deserve it.”

  Roland straightened up from his spot leaning against the garden wall. “Everything okay?”

  Louie nodded. “You need to find Violet and Hugh and go. Find her Pteron, and then bring Daisy back here.”

  “Are you sure?” He watched us both.

  “I’m positive. It’s better this way.”

  Roland nodded. “I’ll go get Violet.” He ran off.

  “I look forward to getting to know you, Daisy.”

  “Why? Not that you’re not a fascinating person and all, but why waste your time with me at all?”

  “Because I’ve never met anyone quite like you.”

  “Because of the paste? Because of how I was affected?”

  “That’s part of it.” He held out his hand in a semi-wave before walking away.

  I thought about calling after him, saying goodbye, but I didn’t. What was there to say? He was giving me what I wanted. He was getting me to Owen sooner.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I had to find the guy who’d been spying on us. No matter how much I wanted to run away from my life in New Orleans, I couldn’t turn off my sixth sense, or my instinct to keep paranormal creatures in line. I knew there were plenty of bear shifters living in Colorado, but why did these guys show up right when Hailey did? And why were they spying on me? Something wasn’t adding up.

  I hurried down the main stretch of town, but quickly headed up to the mountains. If he was a shifter, he was going to feel more comfortable in the wilderness. I hadn’t tracked someone in ages. I’d spent most of my time worried about advising the king, and it felt good to use my core instincts again.

  I tried to focus on the scents in the air: the poignant evergreens and the slightest hint of a deer. I focused deeper on the smells until I could faintly detect a bear shifter, or as they liked to be called, an Ursus. Given the direction of the wind, he was likely less than a mile away.

  Even after I found his trail, I hung back. I didn’t want to spook him. Despite how easy it would be for me to keep up, there was no reason to turn it into a chase if I didn’t have to. I only needed to find out who he was, and whether his presence had anything to do with me.

  He was clearly moving away, and I followed him deeper into the forest, really hoping he didn’t turn into a cave. Caves were pretty much the only place he’d have an advantage on me. Pterons and caves don’t mix well together.

  I shed my t-shirt and released my wings before flying up to the top of a tall tree. I tried to stay hidden behind the evergreen while I looked for him. After a moment I spotted him and took off toward him. I landed near where he was hiding. “You might as well stop trying. I’m going to find you.”

  He stopped. I couldn’t see him, but I could hear him.

  “Come out and show yourself.” I waited. If he didn’t come out in thirty seconds, he was going to make things much worse for himself.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming! Don’t get bent out of shape.”

  I watched as a stark naked guy with red hair walked out of the trees. “Can you at least wait for me to find my pants?”

  “Yes please.” Looking at a bear’s junk wasn’t exactly high on my list.

  I waited carefully. I wanted him dressed, but I also didn’t want him slipping off. Lucky for him he made the right decision. He walked out of the woods holding his hands up in front of him.

  “Who are you?” I kept my wings out. They added to the intimidation factor.

  “I’m Adam.”

  “And what the hell are you doing here, Adam?”

  “My buddies and I are looking to invest in some prime real estate.”

  “Prime real estate in Coleville? Right.”

  “Isn’t that why you’re here?”


  “Then why were you in there talking to that Miller guy? You were talking about buying his property too.”

  “I was doing that to help a friend.” Friend. Was I really going to call Clyde that?

  “Then why are you out here? Aren’t you supposed to be in New Orleans?”

  “So you admit to knowing who I am?”

  “Sure. I’d rather avoid going through a Pteron interrogation.”

  “Did you know I was here?”

  “I followed your sister. She’s cute you know.”

  “Should I kill you now or later?”

  “I’m only joking.”

  I glared at him.

  “Ok, I’m not actually joking, but I get she’s off limits.”

  “Why did you follow her? And who else are you with?”

  “Just two of my clan mates. It was this or spend three months doing community service in Shreveport. It was an easy choice.”

  “Wait. A choice? Who sent you?”

  He smiled. “You really don’t know?”

  “I do, but I want you to say it.”

  “The king. He said he had a hunch your sister was heading for you.”

  “Why would Levi have told you to come here? He knew I was taking time off.”

  The bear shrugged. “I don’t know. I was just doing what I was told.”

  “Then why all the theatrics with trying to buy from Miller?”

  “We heard you were trying to, and we figured there was a reason. The king’s advisor wouldn’t do it for no reason.”

  “I’m not buying property here.”

  “We didn’t know that. We heard your friend talking about it. He made it sound like you were in on a deal with him.”

  Clyde talking about it? No surprise there. The kid didn’t know when to shut his mouth. “You can leave now. You found me.”

  “We have to call the king first.”

  “Call him. Tell him he’s an ass.”

  “Yeah… I’m not telling the king that.”

  I laughed dryly. The bear at least had some smarts. “That’s fine. I’ll do it myself.”

  “Does that mean I can go now?”

  “It means you and your friends are going to leave Coleville right now.”

  “Why? You don’t own this place.”

  “You were sentenced to community service for a reason. You did something wrong. That kind of trouble isn’t something Coleville needs. Besides, I came out here to get away from paranormal crap. You are paranormal crap. Got it?” I stepped toward him to give him the message that I wasn’t messing around.

  “Got it.” He scurried away.

  I took off. I was flying home. It would be much faster than walking.


  As soon as I got home I pulled out my phone and put in the SIM card I’d taken out months before. I immediately called Levi.

  He picked up after two rings. “Well hello there, Owen.”

  “You’ve got some explaining to do.” I may have told Hailey to be polite to Levi, but sometimes even a king needs to be put in his place.

  “I’m guessing you found the bears.”

  “Of course I did.”

  “I figured that. Why do you think I sent them?”

  “You wanted me to call.”

  “Exactly. Worked like a charm.” He laughed, and I could picture the smirk on his face. He was proud of himself.

  “What do you want? I thought you were cool with me taking a break.”

  “I am, or I was until a girl showed up.”

  “A girl? What the fuck Levi? You’re married and a father.”

  “I’m not talking about that kind of thing, idiot. It’s about a girl who’s looking for you.”

  “You sent bears out here because a girl is looking for me?”

  “She’s not just a regular girl. I can’t put my finger on it. Plus, she’s hanging around with these people that I can’t place. They have to be paranormal, but I don’t know what. Oh, and she’s been obsessed with you for years.”

  “Uh, I’m not sure what part of that was the weirdest.”

  “I kind of remember her, but I can’t place her. Her name is Daisy.”

  “Daisy?” My body froze at the mention of her name. “Where did you see her? What was she doing?” Was it possible after two years she was looking for me?

  “I take it you know her?”

  “Answer my questions first.” I paced the back porch of the cabin. What was going on?

  “She was at the hotel. She recognized me and begged me to tell her where you were. She said something about you saving her. Is this the girl from that Halloween? The one you saved from the vamps?”