Forever Love: A Friends to Lovers Collections Read online

Page 13

  * * *

  “Why do you keep looking over your shoulder?” Ralph tossed an apple core into the trash can next to me.

  “Because someone’s meeting me here. It’s not like her to be late.” I checked for Carly for the millionth time.

  “Maddy?” Ralph’s expression brightened.

  “No. Carly.”

  “Carly? The new roommate?”

  “Yeah. Also the girlfriend.” I’d started using the term without thinking about it, but that’s what she was. I mean she definitely wasn’t just someone I was hooking up with.

  “What?” he sputtered.

  “Yeah. Carly and I are together.”

  “I hope she’s not the girl outside then.” Anna Marie said as she walked in.

  “Why?” I dreaded the answer.

  “Because Caleb is hanging all over her.”

  “What?” The term I could see red took on new meaning. I stormed out of the shop without thinking.

  Anna Marie was right. He was hanging all over her. Of course Anna could have added that Carly definitely wasn’t into it. With her arms crossed she wanted nothing to do with him. Relieved she wasn’t flirting I felt the second wave of anger. This one was even stronger—why was he invading her space?

  I marched over and stepped between them, pushing Caleb back in the process. “Get the hell away from her.”

  “Why?” Caleb smirked. “We were just having a pleasant conversation.”

  I felt the anger rising again. All I wanted to do was punch the asshole.

  “Macon.” Carly’s soft voice distracted me. “I was just telling Caleb about our big plans tonight, and how you still haven’t told me what we’re doing.” She put a hand on my arm.

  “Wha—” I caught myself just in time. “You don’t want me to ruin the surprise do you, babe?”

  “No. You know how much I love surprises.” She bit her lip in an exaggerated way.

  Caleb glared at me momentarily before turning his attention back to Carly. “Want my number in case you change your mind?”

  “I’m good, but thanks.”

  I put an arm around her. “Ready for lunch?”


  I scowled at Caleb before leading Carly over to my car. I forced myself to stay calm because Carly was around, but next time I saw him alone he was in trouble.

  I opened her door and closed it before walking around to my side. I wasn’t usually the type to do that, but I wanted to with Carly. She brought out that side in me.

  I’d just started the car when she put a hand on mine. “What was that about?”

  “What are you talking about?” I backed out.

  “Don’t bullshit me, Macon.”

  I sighed. “It was nothing.”

  “You were ready to punch him. Admit it.”

  “So? He was bothering you.” I stopped short as the person in front of us slowed to let a bunch of tourists cross the street.

  “And you think he’s the first guy to ever do that?”

  “Are you trying to make me angrier?”

  “I just didn’t think you had an anger problem.”

  “I don’t have an anger problem.” I rolled down the window.

  “Pull over at the park.”


  “You heard me. Pull up at the entrance up ahead.”

  I did as she asked. As soon as the car was stopped she jumped out. I turned off the engine and followed. “Listen, you really don’t need to worry—”

  “No. Don’t try to make up an excuse.” She took a seat in the grass. She stretched out her legs, carefully smoothing out her skirt.

  I sat down beside her. “I’m not.”

  “Tell me what happened? Why did you get so angry?”

  “I already told you.” I pulled a fistful of browning grass out of the ground

  “If you were telling the truth then you belong in an anger management program, but I don’t believe that’s what it was. That little spat wasn’t just about me.”

  I groaned. “Just leave it alone, Carly.”

  “Nope. I can tell something’s up, and I don’t like secrets.”

  “Caleb’s a POS. That’s it.”

  “Besides his annoying habit of hitting on me, why is he a POS?”

  “That’s not enough?” I turned my attention to trimming the grass again.

  “Macon.” No matter how Carly said my name it had an effect on me. It’s like hearing it from her lips changed the way it sounded.

  “Fine. I just can’t stand him. His dad owns the shop, and he thinks he walks on water. He doesn’t even like diving, so why should he take it over?”

  “Are there plans to hand it over soon?”

  “The end of this summer.” I’d be looking for a new job as soon as that happened. I needed to figure something out and fast.

  “A lot of family businesses are like that. Maybe he doesn’t even want it.”

  “Not all are.”

  “I’m guessing you’re speaking from experience.” She scooted closer to me.

  “You could say that.”

  “And you don’t get to take it over.” She rubbed my back gently.


  “So in other words, you’re taking out your own frustration on Caleb.”

  “Don’t start.”

  “What? I’m being real here.”

  “My uncle’s giving his company to the chick he’s been screwing for five years.”

  “Wow, that’s a low blow.”


  “What kind of business is it?”

  “Risk management mostly.”

  “I didn’t know you liked that stuff.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Ok… so why did you want the position?”

  “Because it’s what I was always supposed to do. It’s why I majored in business. Don’t tell Maddy, but I’ve deferred my acceptance to Wharton twice now.”

  “What?” Her mouth hung open. “As in the UPenn business school?”

  “Yup. I don’t want to bother with it.”

  “Why haven’t you told Maddy?”

  “Because she’d tell me I’m being crazy. She thinks I still haven’t applied.”

  “Did you tell her she was crazy for moving out here to bartend?”

  I shook my head. “I’m the one who suggested she move out here.”

  “Then why would you expect anything different from her?”

  “I hate letting people down.”

  She exhaled sharply. “Tell me about it.”

  “Who have you let down?”

  “Come on. You’re not making me tell that story again.” She leaned back on one hand.

  “What? Your family? They’re just being idiots.”

  “As compared to yours? I’m guessing that’s who you’re referring to.”

  “Yeah. My uncle told my mom I wasn’t up for it. She owns half the company but lets him run it.”

  “Does she know about his extracurricular activity?”

  “No, but he’s not married so he can do what he wants.”

  “It’s generally not okay to screw your employees and then promote them for it.”

  I laughed. “Screw? I have you using that word now?”

  “What? That’s what it is.”

  I put an arm around her. “You’re perfect.”

  “That again?” She leaned into my side.

  “Yeah.” I rubbed the palm of her hand that now had tiny imprints of the grass on it.

  “You’re going to be okay.”

  “You think so?” I lifted up her hair so I could kiss her neck.

  “I know so.”

  “So are you.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I guess I need to start planning a special date now, huh?”

  She laughed. “Did you like my excuse?”

  “I’m guessing he was asking you out?” I refused to get angry at the thought of Caleb. She’d turned him down hadn’t she?

��Yeah, and I figured it was a good way to get you to take me out tonight.”

  “Because I wouldn’t take you out anyway?”

  “Generally you prefer to keep me in.”

  I looked her right in the eye. “You don’t actually think that, right? That I’m just using you for sex or something?”

  “Of course not. Although I do wonder how I’m satisfying you.”

  I laughed. “Yeah… good one.”

  “You do have a bit of a reputation you know.”

  “One you believed.”

  “Oh?” She turned to look at me. “Should I have questioned it?”

  “I’ve only slept with one girl this entire summer.”

  “What?” her eyes nearly bugged out. “That’s impossible.”

  “Is it?”

  “I’m the only girl you’ve been with this summer?”

  I nodded. “Are you going to make me scream it or something?”

  “Then why does everyone act like you sleep with anything with breasts?”

  “Because it’s easy to let them think that. People don’t worry about you if they think you’re having fun.”

  “Wow.” She ran her fingers over my wrist. “Well, you’re the only guy I’ve been with this summer.”

  “Very good to know.” I brushed my lips against hers.

  “Now you’re officially perfect.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “The only thing keeping you from that title was your propensity to move through women. With that removed…”

  “So you were willing to date me even without me being perfect?”

  “Of course. Perfect is over rated.”

  “Does that mean you want me less then?”

  “We both know that neither of us are actually perfect.” She crawled into my lap.

  “Yeah well, I think you’re perfect for me and that’s enough.”


  “Ditto? I haven’t heard that one in a while.”

  “I rock it old school.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. She pushed for access to my mouth, and I gladly let her. I wrapped my arms around her and lay back on the grass. The motion left her on top of me. There were other people around, but I didn’t care. Kissing Carly wasn’t something I could consciously decide not to do. She was addicting, and I had no plans to quit.

  * * *

  “This is your big plan?” She glanced at the boat and then back at me.

  “Yes. I figured a romantic dinner out on the water qualified as big.”

  “On that? We’re going to eat a romantic dinner on that thing?” One of the best parts of Carly was her reaction to things. She was so honest it was funny. It’s why I went out of my way to tease her.

  “What’s wrong with it?” I looked at the tiny little rowboat. Did she really think I’d pull something like that?

  “No comment.”

  I pulled her back against my chest. “Babe, we’re not taking that boat.”

  “Then which one are we taking?” She glanced around the marina.

  “That one.” I turned her so she was looking at the yacht docked two down from where we stood.

  “Uh, I don’t think that’s your boat.”

  I laughed. “Not by a long shot. It belongs to a happy client of mine.”

  “A client is letting you borrow a boat like that? That’s a lot of trust.”

  “The captain comes with the loan. Really he’s just trusting we don’t trash it.”

  “Does a chef come with it too?”

  “But of course.” I led her over to the boat. I really hoped I was earning points. I’d never gone out of my way to organize something like this, especially not under such short notice, but Carly was worth it.

  She leaned up and kissed me on the lips. “You’re amazing.”

  “So are you.” I squeezed her hand, and we climbed on.

  After introducing Carly to the staff, I’d actually lived on board for a week the previous summer and knew them well, I led her over to the starboard side while we pulled out of the marina. I’d timed everything to the sunset, and I loved watching her smile as she watched the pink, orange, and yellow colors cross the sky. “This is beyond beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” I put an arm around her shoulder. It never ceased to amaze me how perfectly she seemed to fit at my side. A good four inches shorter than me, her head came to rest right at the crook of my arm.

  We enjoyed the sunset before I led her over to the carefully set table. I’d left the dinner and wine selections to the on board chef, and I hoped Carly approved. From what I’d seen she wasn’t a particularly picky eater.

  She seemed to love the mussels and lobster tails, and she didn’t leave any of her shrimp cocktail untouched. Clearly she loved seafood. After clearing our plates the staff went inside and left us with what was left of our wine.

  Carly immediately returned to the railing. “You’re not going to try to get me to dive tonight, right? Because if so you should have done it before we ate.”

  I laughed. “Your first dive isn’t going to be in open water. We’ll start with a shore dive.”

  “We’ll start? It doesn’t sound like you’re even questioning it.”

  “Should I be?”

  “Probably. I’ve never even considered doing it before.”

  “I won’t bug you about it tonight, but don’t think you’re off the hook.”

  “You’re really smart.” She lopped her arm through mine.

  “Not to ruin the evening? Of course. I’m not taking the chance of interfering with my guarantee of getting lucky tonight.”

  “Guarantee?” Her expression told me I was successfully riling her up. I was starting to see that for us getting frustrated with each other was a turn on. A major turn on.

  “Yes. And you thought I was the easy one.”

  “I’m not easy, Macon.” She turned away, but I could see the slight smile.

  “You’re not?” I leaned in and brushed my lips against her ear. “I really thought you were.”

  “Not at all.”

  I sucked lightly on her earlobe. “That’s too bad. I was looking forward to tonight.”

  She leaned back into me, making me instantly hard. “Just because I’m not easy doesn’t mean we won’t have fun. Sometimes the best things are the ones you have to work for.”

  “Oh, this is going to be work.” I didn’t mean seducing her. I meant holding it together until we got home. I knew this client well, but not well enough to have sex with my girlfriend in one of his bedrooms. Or did I? He probably would expect it anyway.

  “Come with me.” I tugged on her arm gently pulling her with me down the stairs. I opened the door to the room I’d stayed in. If he’d let his dive instructor sleep there, it couldn’t be that special to him. I closed and locked the door before pushing her up against it. I used one of my hands to pin both of her wrists above her head. “I’m willing to work as hard as I have to for you later, but babe, I need you.”

  “I already told you I’m not going to make this easy,” she said coyly.

  “No.” I slipped my hand under the skirt of her dress. “You said you weren’t easy. If I admit that you’re not easy can I have you?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  I moved my hand up higher, pushing away the fabric of her panties and brushing my hand against her. “Are you more sure now?”

  She shook her head and took in a breath.

  “Okay.” I slid my hand down her leg.

  “But I might be persuaded.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” My lips crashed into hers as my hand returned to where it had just been. This time I pushed her panties completely out of my way, letting them fall to the floor.

  She squirmed, but I still didn’t release her wrists. Instead I reached behind her and unzipped her dress, needing access to all of her. Her strapless dress fell to the floor. Seconds later her strapless bra joined it.

  I broke the kiss so I could look at h
er. I needed to see the beauty that was on display only for me. She didn’t look away as my eyes devoured the image, but the smile playing on her lips let me know she wasn’t going to stay quiet. “If you get a peep show, where’s mine?”

  “Are you going to say thank you if I take my shirt off again?”

  “No, but I’ll say thank you if you take off your pants and show me just how easy I am.”

  I wasn’t expecting that kind of response. “You know you don’t have to ask twice.” I used my free hand to unbutton my shirt, and I released her wrists for half a second while I shrugged it off my shoulders. She used the new freedom to undo my belt and get rid of both my pants and boxers in one motion.

  “Do I still get a thank you even though you did the work?” I teased with my lips inches from her breasts.

  “I think you know what kind of thanks you can have.”

  I reluctantly stepped away from her long enough to retrieve a condom from my wallet. She was waiting for me, sitting on the bed. As soon as I unwrapped it she took it from me and slowly put it on. Safe sex had never been so hot. I gently pushed her back on the bed, but pulled her down so she was right on the edge. She wrapped her legs around me as I thrust into her. She closed her eyes, and I watched the pleasure swirl across her face. That expression was because of me. Having me inside of her made her feel that good, and I needed to make it even better. I needed to make her feel an ecstasy that no one had before.

  I thrust harder and she moaned, biting down on her lip to keep quiet. I struggled to hold on, I couldn’t ruin it for her, but she felt so good. She gasped, calling out my name before she put a hand over her mouth. Moments later I shuddered, finally releasing. I stayed inside her for a minute, unwilling to break the moment. We’d had good sex before, but this somehow felt different.

  “Forget what I said before. You’re not just amazing; you’re the most amazing man on earth.” She pulled me down on top of her.

  I laughed. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you.”

  “I hope you meant most amazing woman.”

  “Of course babe, there’s no question what you are.” I lightly grazed her nipple with my teeth. “And for the record, you’re not easy, just irresistible.”

  “Wow, even after getting lucky you’re still kissing up to me?”

  “There’s always the chance of getting lucky again later.”