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Lure Page 3

  I glanced at my phone. Nine thirty. Less than twenty-four more hours left. We were planning to leave at eight the next morning so we’d be back in time for a mandatory sorority meeting.

  After finishing my breakfast, I paid and wandered around Jackson Square for a while to admire the artwork hanging from the wrought iron fence. I took some pictures of the large Cathedral and listened to a solo violinist performing a jazzy tune before heading over to Royal Street.

  I stepped into a few galleries, but the owners all looked at me skeptically. I wasn’t sure if it was the remaining powder I couldn’t seem to get off my t-shirt, or my age, but none of them thought I could afford their work. I couldn’t, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t look.

  The one exception was the owner of a photo gallery I stopped in.

  “Nice camera.” He gestured to the Nikon around my neck.

  “Oh, thanks. It was a graduation gift from my parents.”

  He set aside some sort of book he’d been reading. “Graduation from?”

  “High school. A few years ago.”

  “Great gift. What do you use it for mostly?”

  “Oh, pretty much everything. I’ve been into photography for a while.” My parents had bought me my first camera when I was seven, and I’d never stopped clicking away.

  He laughed. “Same here.”

  I really looked at the guy. He was probably in his thirties. Owning a gallery in downtown New Orleans in my thirties didn’t sound so bad.

  I gazed around at his street scenes and portraits. “Your work is beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I try to capture the essence of the city.”

  “This is my first time here. I’m impressed.”

  “Really? You’re first time in New Orleans? What do you think of the Crescent City so far?”

  I thought over my experience. “I’m enjoying my morning.”

  He laughed. “Not so much the rest of the visit?”

  “I had a bad night.” Ok, that was too much information, but who cared. I wasn’t going to see this shop owner again.

  “Ah. I think I catch your drift.”

  I shrugged.

  “You should check out the Midnight Cauldron.”

  “The Midnight Cauldron?”

  “It’s a Voodoo shop, but with a different feel from the rest. I think you’ll find Kalisa, the owner, entertaining.”

  “Voodoo? Like witchcraft?”

  “Yes and no. You should check it out. She’s just off Bourbon, but don’t let the address fool you. Tell her Harold sent you.”

  “Okay.” I took another look at his work not sure what he meant by letting the address fool me. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” He handed me his card. “Don’t be a stranger.”

  “Ok.” I pocketed the card and headed out.

  The Midnight Cauldron didn’t look like much on the outside, but I decided to take Harold’s advice and check it out.

  Unlike most of the shops nearby, the door was closed, but I pushed it open. A chime jingled as I walked inside. The smell of incense hit me as I gazed around the crowded shop. A counter spanned nearly the whole store. I walked up to it and looked into the case.

  Rabbit feet? Frogs legs? Yeah, not the kind of stuff I needed.

  “Can I help you?”

  I jumped back startled by the sudden appearance of a woman that I assumed was the shop owner. Her long dreadlocks and mouth full of metal capped teeth weren’t what caught my attention first. Instead it was the ample cleavage that she had on display. The woman gave a new definition to well-endowed. “Hi. I was just looking around. Harold at the gallery down the street suggested I stop in.”

  Her lips spread into a wide smile. “Harold’s lovely, isn’t he?”

  “I just met him for a few minutes, but he seemed nice.” I looked around at the candles lining the store. They were in every color imaginable and created an eerie glow despite the small amount of sunlight filtering in through a crack in a window.

  “I see.” Her eyes narrowed like she was sizing me up. “Is there anything in particular you’re looking for?”

  “Not really. I’m just exploring.”

  “Exploring? Where are you from?”

  “Right now I’m living in Atlanta, but I’m from Charlotte.” I’m not sure why I was so forthcoming with details, but I didn’t see any harm in it.

  “Are you here with a boyfriend? Lover?”

  I laughed dryly. “No.”

  “Meaning you don’t have either?”

  “Exactly. I’m with a friend.” No reason to explain more.

  “Your friend has a man?”


  “And you’re happy for her, but secretly you’re jealous.” She stuck out her tongue slightly as she smiled.

  “I’m not jealous.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “No? You don’t yearn to be desired, wanted?”

  Of course I did, who didn’t? “Sure, but I’m not jealous of her.”

  “Fair enough, but you want a man. I can tell.”

  “Sure, who doesn’t?” I shrugged. The conversation was turning awkward. I needed to find something to buy so I could make a polite exit.

  “I have the perfect thing for you.” She turned and started rifling through a number of little vials. “Yes, this should do the trick.”


  “Come on back with me.”

  “Now?” I asked nervously. Wasn’t this a voodoo shop? What were the vials for? I didn’t know voodoo involved potions. I decided to voice my concern. “I didn’t know voodoo involved this stuff.” I gestured to the vials and bottles.

  “I practice many different types of magic.” She moved around to my side of the counter before walking over to the door to turn around the open sign to closed. She locked the door. I assumed that was all part of trying to create an authentic experience. Kalisa took things seriously for the owner of a tourist trap.

  What had I gotten myself into? “You know, I really think I’m fine.”

  “No honey, you are not fine.” She took my arm and led me back around the counter. Every part of me screamed to run, but one small part begged me to stay and see what she had in mind. How many chances like this would I have? Besides, I was in New Orleans. I might as well experience all it had to offer. When in Rome, do what the Romans do, right? I smiled to myself thinking about what Reyna would think of what I was doing. She hadn’t called which meant she was still sleeping—it must have been some night.

  She gathered a bunch of bottles and herbs and stuff as we walked into the back room. The worn floor boards beneath us creaked as we ducked under the sloping ceilings.

  She started putting a few vials into a pot cooking on an old stove. I watched curiously until a large flash of fire had me stepping away. You couldn’t deny that Kalisa had the theatrics down.

  A strong breeze blew out a few of the candles Kalisa had set up. I shivered. I glanced around. There were no windows. Strange.

  “Do you want to drink this or use it as a paste?”

  “Uh, the paste.” The atmosphere was great and all, but I wasn’t drinking anything.

  She laughed. “I was only kidding. I’d get shut down if I gave you anything you actually drank. Regulations and all.”

  I laughed uneasily. “I bet.”

  Without warning she pressed her thumb across my forehead. “I call this Seduction’s Kiss.” She ran her finger back and forth over my skin. The mixture was warm—nearly hot.

  “Be very careful, child. Seduction’s Kiss can be extremely dangerous.”

  And she was telling me this after putting it on my skin? If I’d actually believed anything she was doing was real I’d have run the other way. This was just a silly ‘rip off the desperate tourist’ routine I was positive I’d pay an arm and a leg for.

  I rested a hand on my forehead as I ducked to leave the back area. I could feel the beginnings of a headache. “What do I owe you?”

  “Nothing, child. It’s on

  “Are you sure?” I glanced around the shop again settling on a rabbit foot. I could use the good luck. She let me pay for that.

  “Thanks, that was interesting.”

  She used a moist cloth to wipe of the remainder of the paste. “Remember what I said about Seduction’s Kiss being strong. Beware of the night.”

  “Okay…” I stumbled out of the store with a full on headache, but I knew it was probably from the incense. I knew whatever she’d performed wasn’t real, but she sure put on a convincing show. I’d have to recommend this store to people looking for an authentic experience. I’d add in my anecdote to the app when I got on Wifi again.

  I checked my phone on my way to the streetcar. Two calls from Reyna. At least she was finally awake.

  I called her back, and she answered on the first ring. “Where are you?”

  “I needed to get out of there.”

  “What happened? Shaun said you were all weird today.”

  I laughed dryly. “The guy groped me last night. He told me I could stay in his room—I assumed that meant alone.”

  She gasped. “No way.”

  “Yes. He’s a creep. This morning I woke up to him staring at me.”

  “I’m so sorry, Daisy.” I heard the ruffling of something. Was she back in bed? I assumed if she’d talked to Shaun she was already up. “I promise I’ll make this up to you.”

  “It’s okay.” I expertly slipped my money into the streetcar this time. I was learning. “I’m just going to avoid him until we leave tomorrow.”

  “That’s going to be hard.”

  “Why?” my stomach dropped.

  She didn’t answer.

  “Why would that be hard, Reyna?”

  “We have reservations for dinner already, and then we’re going out downtown.”

  “Who’s we?” I knew I wouldn’t like the answer.

  “The four of us.”

  “No way. I’ll just stay in their apartment and watch TV or something. If he’s out of there I’m fine.”

  “I heard their other roommate is really weird. I wouldn’t leave you alone there.”

  “He was nice to me last night.” Admittedly he did weird me out, but he didn’t scare me as much as Shaun. At least Duncan seemed to know how to keep his hands to himself.

  “Still, you have to come. Otherwise it’s just going to be the three of us.”

  “Can’t Chad just tell Shaun not to come? Then you two could have time alone.”

  “Why? So he can stay back and annoy you? At least if you come with us we’ll be in public, and I’ll protect you.”

  “Protect me?” I lowered my voice when I noticed the woman next to me staring.

  “Yes. What have you been up to all morning?”

  “Not too much. Taking pictures, getting breakfast, and hanging out at a voodoo shop.”

  “A voodoo shop?” Reyna didn’t hide her surprise from her voice. “You’re brave.”

  I laughed. “Just trying to enjoy what I can.” I noticed the woman staring again. “Ok, I have to go. Are you at the apartment?”

  “Yes. I’ll see you when you get back.”

  Chapter Five

  I don’t know what made me agree to dinner. Sure, Reyna would have been annoyed, and it would have made my living situation awkward, but Shaun was a creep. Surely that won out. But I did say yes. I felt a strange surge of confidence that made everything seem easier. Maybe Kalisa had actually done something with that ritual. Only instead of Seduction’s Kiss she should have called it Confidence’s Kiss.

  Whatever the reason, I found myself sitting next to Shaun at an Italian restaurant less than twenty-four hours after creep-fest had started.

  “I can’t wait to see your costume.” Shaun took a big bite of his pasta. “I know you’re going to look so hot.”

  “Oh, I’ll look hot.” I’d decided to take a different approach with Shaun. He wasn’t getting the time of day from me, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t mess with him a little.

  He swallowed hard, and I struggled not to laugh.

  “How was your morning exploring, Daisy?” Chad asked.

  I paused to take a sip of water. “It was mostly uneventful.”

  “Uneventful?” Reyna laughed. “You found a Voodoo shop.”

  “Like I said, mostly uneventful.”

  “Was it down on Bourbon? Because those places are all tourist traps.” Shaun sounded proud of himself, like he was saving me from having the wool pulled over my eyes.

  “Yeah. I know.” Something felt off agreeing with him though. Kalisa may have played with me, but I didn’t like saying the Midnight Cauldron was a tourist trap. If nothing else the ambience had its own value and place.

  Shaun set down his fork. “You should have asked me to come with you. You didn’t have to do that alone.”

  I laughed dryly. “Yeah, asking you wasn’t in the cards.”

  Chad suddenly grinned. “What? One night with him was enough?”

  Wait. Did Chad actually think something had happened? Hadn’t Reyna set him straight?

  Before I could mull it over for too long, I felt a hand settle on my leg. I was already wearing the black skirt that was part of my cat costume. I’d packed one far less short than the one Reyna had suggested I wear.

  “What can I say? I wore her out.” He slid his hand up higher.

  I smacked his hand away. “If by wearing me out you mean sending me out of his room running and screaming, then sure.”

  Chad laughed. “Ouch, man.”

  “To set the record straight absolutely nothing happened last night except this jerk trying to take advantage of me.” Take that. I was on fire. If I’d felt this way the night before Shaun would have had a hand print across his face and a sore groin from me kicking him.

  Reyna shot me a funny look, but I didn’t care. Chad should know that his roommate was a total pervert. I hoped he didn’t already know it. If so, he’d knowingly sent me to the lions and was not someone Reyna should be giving the time of day. You can tell a lot about a guy by the way he treats your friends.

  “How drunk were you, Daisy?” Shaun smirked. “I think you’re remembering things wrong.”

  Seriously? He was going to play that game?

  “Remembering things wrong?” I tossed my napkin on the table. “No, I’m remembering things perfectly. If we had such a great night, why did you have to self-service this morning?”

  The couple at the next table turned to look at us. I didn’t care. I wasn’t holding it in.

  Shaun’s response was to put his hand back on my leg.

  I pushed my chair back.

  “Shaun, please stop creeping out Daisy.” Reyna glared at him.

  I headed to the entrance without worrying about who would cover my tab. Considering the circumstances, I figured I deserved a free bowl of pasta.

  Reyna ran after me. “Daisy!”

  I stopped walking and turned around.

  She pulled me into a hug. “I’m sorry. I’m being an awful friend.”

  I didn’t disagree with her there. If the tables had been turned I’d be finding a hotel room or driving us home.

  “It’s just that I want things to work with Chad. I’ve never met anyone who makes me feel this way.”

  I believed her. The emotion in her words and face seemed real, but it was the way she glowed that made it impossible to deny. “I get that, but I still don’t need this.”

  “I know. I know. I’ll leave tonight if you want.” She meant it. Reyna was a horrible actress. That reality alone was enough to keep me there.

  “I think I can handle waiting until tomorrow. Just get Shaun to go out with you guys and without me.”

  We reached the apartment, and Reyna unlocked the door. Chad must have given her the key. “Why can’t we do the reverse? You come, and he does something else?”

  “Because I’m still going to be the third wheel. I get you’re into Chad, and that’s fine, but I’d rather do homework than ta
g along with you guys.”

  “Daisy? Do you hate me?” She gave me her puppy dog eyes again.

  I sighed. She shouldn’t have been the one making me feel guilty, but it wasn’t worth a fight. “Hate, no. I just wish I’d stayed back at school. I can’t go back and change that though. At least I had fun this morning.”

  “And you can have fun tonight.”

  Shaun and Chad walked inside the apartment, and I saw Reyna and Chad exchange a look.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t sit at home tonight.” I grabbed my cat costume from my bag and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

  “What the hell, man?” Through the door I heard Chad. “Please don’t screw this up for me.”

  “I’m not doing anything.”

  I rolled my eyes at Shaun’s denial.

  “You groped the girl, and from her reaction at the restaurant you were going there again.”

  “She’s into me.” Shaun was delusional. Completely and utterly delusional.

  “No, she’s not. My girlfriend’s friends aren’t yours for the taking. If she wanted to mess around then great, but she’s made her feelings abundantly clear.”

  Girlfriend? That was fast.

  “I’ll back off.”

  “Stay away from her. They leave tomorrow. Think you can keep it in your pants for a few more hours?”

  “Does Reyna have any other friends she can introduce me to?”

  I was about ready to burst through the door and let him have it for that comment, but evidently Reyna was listening in too.

  “Not a chance, and you owe Daisy about a million apologies. You were rude and gross to my best friend, and that’s not okay.”

  I heard the telltale sound of a slap. Wow. Reyna’s path to forgiveness had just been shortened considerably. I put on my cat ears and drew on my whisker s before walking out of the bathroom.

  “I’m sorry,” Shaun said as unconvincingly as possible as he still touched his cheek.

  “Great.” I started toward my bag so I could drop off my clothes, but Duncan walked out of his room at the exact moment, and we collided.