The Corded Saga Page 26
“Whatever you say. Your Corded’s testing should be done soon.”
“I need to get back to her.” I left the office closing the door behind me. I hurried down the hallway back the way I came, hoping I had given Denver enough time.
I missed him the moment he stepped out of the room. I wondered how I’d ever left him in the first place. How had I made myself run from someone who brought me such comfort? Quinn and Bailey. The answer was obvious. The whole reason I was inside this prison was to break them out. I couldn’t forget that. I had to stay focused no matter how often my thoughts tried to creep toward Mason.
Dr. Morton had done nothing but check my vitals and stare at me for the better part of ten minutes. I didn’t mind putting off the blood draw, but after awhile the suspense was getting to me. I couldn’t stay quiet. “Why aren't you doing anything?”
“What do you mean?” He snapped out of his stare.
“You aren't drawing my blood.” I eyed him warily. “Dr. Tardale said you were here to draw my blood again. You asked Mason to leave so you could do it. Why are we just sitting here like this?”
“Oh.” He nodded. “I don’t need to do it.”
"But Tardale said the last sample was contaminated…” I hated that word because it implied there was something wrong with me or my blood, rather than this prison disguised as a hospital. I hated everything about this place from the cold floors, to the colorless walls. Even the lighting gave me a headache.
"We won't be here long enough for him to care, and you would be in for a life of hell if he ever got the results.” He glanced back toward the window. The curtain was blocking it. Had Mason left?
"What do you mean?"
He turned back to look at me. "What was Quinn like as a girl?"
"Excuse me?" I startled at the sudden conversation change.
"What was Quinn like?" He rocked back on his heels.
"Why do you care?" Why was he was asking about my sister when he’d just implied I wasn’t staying in Central for long?
"Because I do." He put his hands in the pockets of his white coat. “Please tell me.”
"She was happy. Or as happy as you can be. She had big dreams." It was strange to talk about Quinn as a child. That reality felt like a lifetime ago.
"What kind of dreams?"
"I don't see how that matters." I tapped my fingers on the rail of the bed.
"I want to know."
And then it hit me, all at once like a shot to the heart. "You care for her."
He said nothing at first, only watched me, as if trying to decide whether he really had to answer. "I do."
I smiled despite myself. "That's why you aren't drawing my blood." There was always a reason for every behavior even if I didn’t understand. But this I understood. Doing something crazy because you cared for Quinn was something I knew all too well.
He looked down at where my hand rested on the blanket. "There is a plan."
"Bailey deserves a life." She deserved more than just a life. She deserved the best kind of life, but I knew living in a fantasy world wasn’t going to help anyone.
His eyes rose to meet my own. "She does. I will do what I can."
"Thank you." I felt tears sting my eyes. Crying? Now? Maybe it was everything I had bottled up deciding to come to the surface when the slightest bit of hope appeared.
"What about Mason?" Dr. Morton was an expert at conversation change.
"What about him?"
"You care for him."
"I do." I cared about him more than I even wanted to admit to myself. I’d opened myself up to him, and let my heart believe that a different ending was possible for me. Once I opened it, I couldn’t close it.
"As he does for you."
"He does." I knew it now without a question. He’d followed me, and not because he viewed me as his property. I was sure of that. At least with everything else going on, I didn’t have to doubt his motivations. But if it came down to me or Quinn and Bailey, I knew he’d save me, and that meant I couldn’t fully trust his actions.
"He would risk his life for you."
"I would risk my life for him." I would. But only after I knew Quinn and Bailey were safe. Bailey always had to come first.
He leaned in close. "I want you to know you can trust me."
"Why does that matter?"
"For two reasons." He held up two fingers. "One, Quinn only trusts you."
I smiled. Did he really think so? I often doubted she trusted me at all. Too many years of playing little tricks on her made her doubt me sometimes—but apparently not when it counted. She knew when things were serious, I would always lead her the right way. I only hoped I could do that now. "And the other?"
"You'll understand later."
Later? I was tired of later. I was tired of everything. I looked at the window again; the curtain was still drawn. Mason was still gone. "Why did you send Mason out?"
"Because he needed to get something to Nevers."
"Who is he?" There were so many questions my head was spinning.
"Supposedly the father of all this." He held his arms out wide. Wearing white in the all white room he almost blended in.
"The father of all this? What does that mean?"
"If he is who Tardale thinks he is, he is far older than he looks."
I didn’t care about the man’s age. There were more important things at stake. "What did you give Mason?"
"Nothing we can do anything about now."
"Is that really your answer?" I sighed.
“Fine, you want to know more? There were names. Names of those who cannot be moved.”
“Oh.” Understanding dawned on me. “Of the other women here…”
“And children…”
My heart hurt. It was a deep hurt that had me holding on to the bed rail for support. I closed my eyes.
“But we will get them out. Not now. Later.”
It wasn’t good enough, but I would have to accept that answer for now. Because to fight would mean risking Bailey. Once she was safe, I could come back. I would come back. "So no blood work?"
"Not your blood.”
“Then whose blood?" I shuddered, wondering who would be the stand-in for me.
"A place holder."
"Who'd you take it from?" Anger and guilt racked through me.
"No one unwilling."
"That doesn't help."
"Look, Kayla.” He leaned over me so his face was mere inches from mine. It wasn’t in an intimate way but more out of desperation. “We need to get Bailey out of here. Let me do what I have to do to make that happen."
I nodded. I couldn't do anything else. We had to get Bailey out. "Are you from the system too?"
"By too do you mean like Mason?"
I nodded. "Yes."
"I am, but I don't remember every detail."
"Maybe one day you will." Life was full of ‘maybe one days’.
"Maybe one day." He looked off. "I need to check on some things. Be ready."
"I've been ready since the moment my sister and niece were taken away."
"You've been ready since long before that." He turned and strode out of the room.
Shaking. Someone was shaking me, and I had no idea why. I forced my eyes open despite the exhaustion pulling my lids closed. I saw nothing at first until I looked to the side and saw a face. "Dr. Morton?" I struggled to understand what was going on. “What time is it?”
"Shh. We have to go. Stay quiet." His expression was harsh but not in an angry way, more in a way that was full of all sorts of worry. I imagined I wore that expression most of the time now.
"Go where?" My head pounded, and I fought through the haze of exhaustion and sleep.
"Trust me. I'll explain everything later."
"You expect me to just go with you blindly?" I was a prisoner, so it wasn’t as though I could really make my own choices, but leaving my bed was a choice I could make.
s, if you want to see Bailey." There was no threat in his words, nothing menacing, but it still chilled me.
"Where is she?” Nothing else mattered until I found her. “Where is Bailey?
"With Kayla. You have to come.”
"With Kayla? Bailey is with her?” Why? Was he going to listen to me? Accept my offer? Then why was he waking me up? Nothing added up. “Why is Bailey with Kayla? Where are they?”
"Come on. Please." He tugged on my arm. “We don’t have much time.”
I nodded, needing to believe him because I had no other choice. "If you are lying...” I let my words trail off.
“It’s not a lie.” He helped me down from the bed and looked at me. “Put this on.” He held out a long black cloak.
I did as he asked as the thought of what might be happening dawned on me. Escape? Were we all getting out? Adrenaline mixed with fear flooded me. I wouldn’t be able to relax until I knew Bailey was safe.
“Come on.” He took my hand and led the way through the door.
The hallway was dark, nearly pitch black, so I had to rely on Dr. Morton to lead me. Normally when the door opened light flooded in. Were the lights out on purpose? I couldn’t focus on it, nor could I wonder too long about how the doctor was able to navigate the dark hallways so easily. The floor was cold underneath my bare feet as I hurried along beside him. I strained my ears for any sort of noise, but the only thing I heard were a few beeps ever so often and the sound of fans, or computers. I stayed quiet. Silent. I tried to calm my rapidly beating heart and keep my breathing even and low, but it took more energy than I had. Fear and confusion swirled through me as I struggled to find answers to so many pressing questions. Where was Bailey? Had she and Kayla left already? Were they waiting for me? Where were we going?
Dr. Morton stopped short, pulling me back against him. “Stay quiet,” his lips brushed against my ears as he spoke, tickling me with the stubble on his chin.
I was already silent, but I froze. The sound of footsteps came from somewhere far off. The footsteps sounded louder and louder until I knew whoever it was had to be nearly upon us. Then the footsteps stopped.
My chest clenched, and I grabbed onto Dr. Morton’s arm, desperate to brace myself for whatever was coming.
“Were you trying to give us a heart attack?” Dr. Morton asked the darkness.
“I was trying to make sure you were ready,” a male voice answered.
“We’re ready.” Dr. Morton sounded far more confident than I felt.
“Quinn?” Kayla’s voice broke through the darkness. “Are you here?”
“Kayla.” My throat burned as I spoke, and tears welled behind my eyes. It felt like years had passed since I last heard my sister’s voice.
“We’re getting out of here.” Her voice was so strong, so resolute. That was Kayla. Always strong. Always ready. It was hard to believe she was really there and her voice wasn’t a figment of my imagination.
“Mama,” Bailey called out. “Mama.”
“I’m right here, baby.” I started to reach out in the darkness but quickly let my hands fall to my sides. If I couldn’t see, how could I possibly protect her?
“Take her.” Kayla somehow found me in the dark and pressed Bailey’s soft skin into my arms.
“No. You hold her.” I shook my head, even as I pulled Bailey against me.
“No,” Kayla pressed. “She wants her mother.”
“Can you see?” I asked, suddenly worried my eyesight was the problem. Had they done something more to me than I thought? Had too much time cooped up inside a windowless room gotten to my senses?
“No. But I followed your voice.”
I held Bailey tight. “Who else is here?”
“We can talk later.” Another girl replied. There was another girl. “Right now we have to go.”
“I agree.” Dr. Morton put his arm around my waist. “Let’s move.”
I held onto Bailey tightly as I let Dr. Morton lead me through the darkness. It was unnatural to put so much faith in someone who wasn’t my family, but Kayla was there. She had to have known more than I did. I had so many questions, and then I was hit by a realization. Kayla was there, and I never even hugged her. I’d barely reacted to the news that I had not lost my sister forever. Had I lost all sense of decency? No. And I couldn’t do anything about it now. We couldn’t stop. We were getting Bailey out. I had no idea where we were going, and I was increasingly disoriented. My empty stomach rumbled. I barely ate anymore. It took more energy than I had. Now my stomach was a liability, and I regretted skipping so many meals.
Morton pulled back on my borrowed cloak, and I stopped short again. He didn’t need to remind me to be quiet. Like everyone else, I was already silently awaiting a fate I still couldn’t predict or envision.
The sound of ticking broke through the near deafening silence. I listened closer, trying to figure out exactly what it was. I wanted to know what it was. I needed to know, but I couldn't open my mouth to ask. Staying in the dark—both literally and figuratively—was my only choice.
"Move. Now." A male voice spoke calmly. Far too calmly given the darkness and the loud ticking that had to be signifying the countdown of something.
"How long did you give us?" Dr. Morton asked, his hand wrapping around my arm.
"Not long,” the calm voice responded.
Dr. Morton’s hand tightened on my arm. “Then let's go.”
A door creaked, and cool air hit my face. Dr. Morton’s hand released my arm, and it returned to my waist. “Be careful. Stairs,” he whispered.
I tried to move quickly, while carefully taking each step. That proved harder than expected. My foot slipped, and I held tight to Bailey. Dr. Morton stabilized me, and we continued down the stairs.
There was another sound of creaking, and I blinked as a faint light illuminated the space in front of us. I didn’t have time to think, as Dr. Morton ushered us into a narrow opening. The ground beneath us was slippery and wet, and the ceiling was so close I had to hunch over to avoid hitting my head. Drops of water fell from above onto us, and I figured out where we were: a drainage pipe.
We walked through the water for several moments until I heard another creaking sound, and we stepped out into the night.
A loud explosive noise came from behind us as he we hurried away from the building.
“Ignore that. No one was hurt,” a man wearing a blazer ordered. “Let’s go.” A bright light moved through the dark sky. “Avoid the search lights and head north.” The man continued. “Don’t stop moving no matter what happens.”
No one said anything. We continued forward, moving just short of jogging. Dr. Morton held onto my arm and practically pulled me forward.
Bailey lifted her head, but returned it down as if lifting it took more energy than she had. I held her tightly, hoping she couldn’t feel the fear surging through me. I slowed down to catch my breath.
“I can carry her,” Dr. Morton held out his arms.
I didn’t want to let Bailey go, but I knew I would be able to move much faster without holding her. The priority was to get her to safety. I nodded and let him take her from my arms.
As if that was a signal, everyone picked up their pace and started to run.
“Mama,” Bailey called to me. The night was cool, and I hoped the light cotton gown she was wearing was enough to keep her warm. I wanted to give her my cloak, but it would be far too big. Dr. Morton’s arms would be warm I assured myself as I struggled to keep pace with the group.
“I’m right here,” I reassured her. Bailey’s voice was enough of a motivation for me to push through my exhaustion. My legs were weak. I had done such minimal activity in the past weeks, and once again I was regretting my decision to limit my food intake. I was weak, and that made me a liability.
“I’ve got you.” Unfamiliar arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up.
I started to argue, when Kayla touched my arm. “It’s okay, Quinn.” She patted my arm. “Mason won’t hurt
Mason. This was the man Kayla was Corded to. We were moving too fast for me to study him, but he held me gently enough given the circumstances, while also making sure Kayla was close.
A loud siren filled the previously silent night. Bailey whimpered, and my chest clenched.
“Pick up the pace!” The man in the blazer yelled.
Mason ran faster. I watched Dr. Morton running in front of us, glad Bailey was slightly ahead. Selfish or not, I would rather anyone else get caught but her. She had to make it safety—wherever safety was.
“Turn up ahead.” The man with the blazer bellowed out more directions.
The group hurried faster, as more lights filled the sky and sirens wailed in the distance.
The man stopped and pulled at the corner of a cloth. An oddly shaped vehicle came into view. “Everyone in. Now.”
Mason practically tossed me inside, and the engine roared to life. Within moments the vehicle lurched forward, and we were moving.
“Everyone stay quiet. This is going to take some work.” The man with the beard was in the driver’s seat. It was too dark to see much of anything, but I saw Bailey in Dr. Morton’s arms right in front of me. That was all I needed to see. I had no idea what kind of plans the man with the blazer had, but so far he hadn’t steered us wrong. Dr. Morton handed Bailey to me, and I cradled her in my arms.
He drove over a gravel road making the vehicle bump up and down. I was in the third row of seats, which made it impossible to see out the front, but there was just enough moon light to see the shadows out the window. Mason sat beside me with Kayla on his other side next to the window.
We drove into complete darkness. I waited, knowing there had to be an end to the darkness, but it continued. We rode in silence save for the sound of the engine and tires traversing the bumpy, rocky road beneath us. Bailey was quiet, but when I closed my eyes I could hear her breathing.
The darkness continued on, and my eyelids grew heavy. I shouldn’t have been so tired. The adrenaline and fear should have been enough to keep me awake, but eventually I slipped into a deep sleep.