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Lure Page 18

  “Yes.” I could barely speak. What was Daisy doing back in New Orleans? My mind flashed to an image of her face. Even after two years I could still remember the taste of her lips, and the way her mouth had eagerly welcomed me in. Then darker thoughts set in. Was she in trouble?

  “How did she look? Why was she looking for me?” I couldn’t get out the questions fast enough.

  “She looked good, I guess. I don’t know what to compare it with. She said she wanted to thank you, but she seemed kinda desperate. It turns out she’s been chatting with Allie’s nerdy step-brother online for years about you.”

  “Uh, what?” I remembered Andrew from Allie and Levi’s wedding. There wasn’t much memorable about him, but he didn’t seem bad.

  “I know, a little bit too much of a coincidence. Allie won’t let me interrogate him fully, but he seems as surprised as I was.”

  “Where is she?” It looked like I was going back to New Orleans sooner than expected. I needed to see her even if it was only for a minute.

  “She left town quickly with her friends. She didn’t even get her stuff.”

  “She gave up.” I was disappointed. I shouldn’t have been, but I was. Selfishly I wanted her to be searching for me. It made the way I felt about her make sense. She wanted to thank me. I wanted to make sure she was okay. That was all it was. It had to be. One conversation with her would give me the closure I needed, and then I could move on.

  “Maybe, maybe not. Like I said, I don’t know who those people are.”

  “She could be in danger.” That reality had me twisted in knots.

  “I don’t know what she’s into, but something was weird. I questioned everyone I could, and the humans seemed to have thought she was the most beautiful girl they’d ever seen. She’s cute and all, but come on.”

  I remembered the magic on her when we first met. Hadn’t that been the affect? Intense attraction? Had Mayanne left some trace amount behind? “Daisy couldn’t have been in New Orleans just to find me. Does she live there now?”

  “Nope. She was in town for an interview at the New Orleans Times.”

  “I’m guessing you already talked to someone there?”

  “Yes. I’m telling you something weird is going on. Too bad I don’t have my advisor to help me.”

  “You have Toby.”

  “Shoot me.”

  “Come on, he’s good.”

  “He’s great. He’s thorough, works hard, and he’s got skill. The problem is he’s sleeping with my step-sister, and he used to sleep with my wife.”

  “Not when she was your wife.”

  “Obviously. He’d be dead otherwise. But that’s not the point.”

  “Then what is the point?” I could barely think straight. I needed to stay focused.

  “I need you back. I get you need space. Take some time, but promise you’re going to eventually come back. I don’t want to have to find someone else.”

  “Do you think Daisy’s in trouble?”

  “Something’s going on. What, I can’t tell you, but my gut is that she might need help.”

  “And my gut is you knew if you said that I’d have to agree.”

  “Look, don’t come home today. Let me see what I can find out. I have someone in security running a more thorough background check on her. If there’s anything there we’ll find it.”

  “You know I can’t just sit tight on this.”

  “What is this girl to you?”

  “Does that really matter?”

  “Maybe.” He breathed heavily into the phone. “It may help us figure this out. Maybe she really is just a human girl looking for you because she wants to say thank you.”

  “But you don’t believe it.”

  “No. First she’s obsessed, I mean obsessed. I made Andrew turn over his Paranormal Obsessed account for me to search.”

  “Paranormal Obsessed?”

  “Yeah, it’s an online forum for people who are obsessed with finding paranormal creatures. It’s pretty ridiculous.”

  “How do you know she’s obsessed?” It was more than curiosity asking.

  “She’s spent time researching winged creatures, guys named Owen, New Orleans college students. It’s not all her though. Turns out Andrew’s got an obsession of his own.”

  “With who?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  I groaned. “What is it about Hailey? Does she have to always attract the weirdos?”

  “We can say the same thing about you now too.”

  “Daisy isn’t a weirdo. She just wanted to find me.” I didn’t hesitate before jumping to her defense.

  “Maybe she isn’t. I knew you’d worry about the security risk with her, but the fact that you’re worried about her makes me happy.”

  “It makes you happy?”

  “Yes. You never care about anyone.”

  “Yes I do.”

  “Ok, I’ll rephrase that. You never care about girls.”

  “You never did before Allie.” He’d been an emotionless player before he met her.

  “And that’s exactly my point.”

  “Keep me posted.” I needed to know she was okay.

  “I will.”

  “That doesn’t mean send more bears after me.”

  “I won’t if you don’t go off the grid tomorrow.”

  “I’m staying put for a few days.”

  “Good. Talk to you soon.” He hung up.

  I didn’t know what to think. Was Daisy ok? Did she still have magic on her? Why was she looking for me after all these years? I couldn’t sort through the questions. There were too many. The only thing that was going to help was seeing her, and I had absolutely no idea how long it would be before that happened.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The hours blurred together as we continued our cross-country journey. Roland took his turn driving, and I retained my spot in the back. There were no more games, and even Hugh had stopped trying to bait me. Instead he sat in the front seat staring out the window. For her part, Violet tried to initiate conversation a few times, but even she eventually accepted the uncomfortable silence.

  It was with relief that we entered California. I’d never been to the state before, a fact I kept to myself as we traveled. I didn’t need to give Hugh any other reasons to make fun of me. I’d done my fair share of traveling along the east coast, but the west coast had always seemed so far away.

  Eventually I couldn’t take any more of the silence. I had to ask one of the many questions swirling through my head. “Who is this Pteron exactly? The one you’re friends with?”

  “His name is Cade, and he’s the king of California,” Violet replied simply.

  “Isn’t he actually the king of the whole coast?” Hugh added.

  “Does it matter?” Roland asked. “The leadership changes all the time.”

  “I thought it stayed in the same family for years?”

  “Years are relative,” Roland said mostly to himself.

  “Does Cade answer to Levi?”

  “Yes and no.” Violet slipped her boots back on. She’d had them off for the last leg of the trip.


  “Meaning everyone knows Levi is the one who’s actually in charge.”

  “Okay.” I filed away that piece of information. It was always important to know who was actually running the show. Like with the group I was with. Violet was in charge. I wasn’t sure how or why, but the others listened. Roland listened to Hugh too. There must have been some sort of pecking order.

  “Cade’s a nice guy. Kind of crazy at times.”

  “Kind of?” Roland interrupted. “Try very.”

  “Crazier than Louie?” I asked.

  Hugh laughed. “You thought Louie was crazy?”

  “Maybe not crazy…”

  “He’s a little intense at first, but he grows on you.”

  “Is he the leader of the Allures or something?”

  “Not the way you’re
thinking. He just garners a lot of respect.”

  “There’s so much about your world I don’t understand.”

  “We could say the same about you.” Hugh tossed a hacky sack and caught it.

  “Where’d you get that?”

  “The glove compartment.”

  “You searched through the glove compartment?” I shook my head. Obviously stealing the car was the big part, but rifling through the owner’s stuff seemed like even more of an invasion.

  “Why not? We took the guy’s car and that’s what you’re worried about?”

  “I’m also worried about how you’re going to get the car back to him. Plus all the mileage.”

  “What do you want us to do, Daisy? Ship it back?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know. I’m a bad person.”

  “You’re not a bad person.” There wasn’t much energy in Violet’s words.

  “Are you guys in a bad mood because you haven’t played with people in a few hours?”

  “We’re not in a bad mood.” Violet plastered a smile on her face. “Why would you say that?”

  “You’re acting grumpy.”

  “Not any grumpier than you.”

  “I’m not grumpy. I’m overwhelmed. That’s different.”

  “Overwhelmed?” Roland changed lanes. “What would you have to be overwhelmed about?”

  “Nothing. Nothing at all.” I rolled my eyes.

  “We’re going to find Owen.”

  “We think. We have no clue where he is. We might be driving the opposite way for all we know.” My positivity had run out.

  “And if he’s in Maine we’ll fly there. Does that make you feel better?” She rested her hand on the seat between us.

  “Will we steal someone’s private jet to do that?”

  “Did you want to fly commercial?”

  “You guys are unbelievable.”

  “You’ve made your feelings on the subject crystal clear.” Hugh huffed.

  “Let’s stop to get something to eat.” Roland didn’t wait for anyone to answer. He moved over to the right lane. “I don’t want to show up at Cade’s hungry.”

  “He won’t have food?”

  “He will, but only the healthy stuff.”

  “Isn’t he a paranormal shifter?”


  “And he eats health food?”

  “He lives in LA,” Violet said like it explained it all.

  I laughed. It felt good. “Where are we stopping then?”

  “I know of a place around here.” He turned off at the next exit.

  “You’ve stopped at a random exit ten miles outside of LA before?” I found that hard to believe, but I probably shouldn’t have. What hadn’t these guys done?

  “This country isn’t that big.”

  “Yes it is. I’ve never been this far west.” I let the truth slip out.

  “This is your first time out here?” Violet asked.


  “You should have told us! We’ve passed so many must see tourist attractions!”

  “That’s fine. Maybe on the way back.”

  “Where else haven’t you been?”

  “Shouldn’t you ask where have I been?” Might as well admit it.

  “Ok, if you prefer that.”

  “I’ve been to almost every state on the east coast.”

  “What about Europe?”



  “I’ve been to Canada.”

  “Oh. That’s something, but we’re going to have to do something about your lack of travel experience.” Violet was all excited again.

  “We’re doing something about it right now, aren’t we?”

  “Here we go.” Roland pulled into the parking lot of what appeared to be a shack.

  “What is this place?” I asked as politely as possible. I’d heard of hidden dives, but this place was going to have to have amazing food to make up for the lack of curb appeal.

  “It’s a restaurant.” Hugh opened his door.

  “What kind of restaurant?”

  “You’ll see.” Roland got out and started heading for the door.

  “Why does everything have to be such a mystery?”

  Violet laughed. “Don’t worry, it can’t be that bad. They know I’m picky, yet they brought me here.”

  “So you haven’t been here either?” That surprised me and once again left me wondering how long this trio had been together. Hugh had said he’d known Violet for the majority of his life, but when did Roland come into the mix?

  “Nope, but I’m always up to try something new.”

  “Usually I am too.” I slowly opened my door and got out.

  By the time Violet and I pushed open the worn wooden door of the shack-restaurant, the boys were already seated and talking away with a man who I assumed was the chef.

  “Welcome!” The chef rolled up the sleeves of his white coat. “So glad you all stopped in today.”

  “We’re excited to try your food.” Violet walked the few steps to the boys’ table. There were only half a dozen tables crammed into the small space, so she didn’t have to go far.

  The chef nodded. “I’ve been told to stick to vegetarian.”

  “I can pick if necessary,” Violet said politely, “And I think Daisy eats everything.”

  “Maybe not everything…” I wasn’t picky, but I wasn’t the most adventurous eater in the world.

  “I know just the thing. If you’ll excuse me.” The chef hurried off.

  “Is this place even open?” I asked, glancing around at the otherwise empty room.

  “Technically not for another hour, but Reggie doesn’t care.”

  “He doesn’t care because he knows you, or because you made him not care?” I asked suspiciously.

  “Would I do something like that?” Roland smiled.

  “You’re despicable.”

  “Why? Because I played on the excitement he already has? How is that despicable?”

  “People are entitled to feel the way they want to. You shouldn’t use their feelings to get what you want.”

  “Everyone manipulates people. We just do it with finesse.” Hugh laughed.

  “I’m actually not hungry. I’m going to wait in the car.” I pushed back my chair and walked outside. I’d lost my appetite the minute I found out the chef was being manipulated. What was the fun in enjoying a meal that was made under duress?

  I tried the car, but it was locked. It must have locked automatically. I refused to go back inside, so I took a seat on the curb next to it. What was I even doing? I had no idea whether their friend Cade could find Owen. I should have stayed in New Orleans, or gone home, or even stayed with Louie. At least I could be learning something about what was happening to me.

  “Hey, you need some help?”

  I glanced up to see a guy around my age standing a few feet away. He was holding the leash of a large chocolate lab.

  The guy broke into a huge smile when I looked at him. “Whoa. You’re beautiful.”

  I groaned. “Hi. I’m fine, but thanks.”

  “What are you doing out here alone? Can I give you a lift somewhere?”

  “A lift in what?” I definitely hadn’t seen or heard another car pull in.

  “My car. It’s parked by my apartment over there.” He pointed down the road.

  “I’m fine. I’m waiting for my friends to finish eating.”

  “Why aren’t you eating with them?” He switched the leash into his left hand.

  “I needed some fresh air.”

  “Same here. Well, and Snickers here. He needed it.”

  “Snickers? Is that the dog?”

  “Yup.” The dog tugged on the leash.

  “I think Snickers wants to keep walking.”

  “He can wait.” He stared at me.

  “You should go.”

  “Can’t you come with me?”

  “No. I’m fine where I am.”

  “Can I get your n

  “No. Sorry.”

  “Why not?”

  “Please leave me alone.” I blinked a few times. I was too stressed out to handle this guy.

  “Just give me a chance.”

  I felt a ball of anger welling inside me, but I didn’t want to feel angry. It wasn’t this guy’s fault he was being so pushy. I tried to relax. I started slow breathing in and out before I was suddenly hit with a thought. “You’re lonely. Don’t you have a girlfriend or something?”

  “We broke up last week.”

  “Go to her and tell her you want to make up. She’s the one you really want.”

  He nodded. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do.” He turned and walked away. I felt a wave of euphoria like I’d never felt. It was more of a physical sensation that reverberated through my whole body.

  I was ripped from the high by clapping coming from behind me. “You’re a natural.”

  I turned to face Roland. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re a natural. You did that on the first try.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” I thought over the conversation. I’d been as polite as possible.

  “You mean that guy didn’t go from being ready to jump all over you to trying to make up with his ex-girlfriend?”

  “He realized what I was saying was rational. He was lonely.”

  “Does that usually work? Do men hooked on you usually just crawl back to their exes?”

  “No. But this one was different.”

  “You manipulated him. You used the loneliness he felt and twisted it. I also think you played with his horniness a little. I bet he’s going to try to get himself some make-up sex.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “It’s nothing to be embarrassed of. You did nothing wrong. We all wondered if you had that ability too.”

  “I can’t manipulate people. I’m not like you. ” I could feel the anger returning.

  “Then explain what just happened. People don’t do things like that on their own. They don’t suddenly do what you want them to.”

  Fear, anger, and regret circled me. “I screwed with an innocent person?”