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Forever Love: A Friends to Lovers Collections Page 18

  My mood soured at the mention of Caleb. “Yes. There better be a reason you’re bringing up that asshat while we’re in bed.”

  “There is.” I put a hand on his arm. “Just bear with me. What if you made an offer?”

  “An offer?”

  I sat up, wrapping the sheet around my chest. “Or rather, what if we made an offer.”

  “An offer? Like to buy him out?”

  “Yes. Really all you need to buy is the building and dock since it’s such a great location. And I guess the boats would help.”

  “Carly, I love you babe, but do you realize how much all of that would cost?”

  “I assume a lot. We’d need capital.”

  “You keep saying we.”

  “I want to go in on this with you. I’m great at marketing. That’s what I majored in, and I know with your expertise we can make this work.”

  “Says the girl who’s only been scuba diving once.”

  “You have enough passion about it for the both of us.”

  “You’re ready to go into business with me?”

  “I’m already sleeping with you. Don’t you think that was a bigger step?”

  “The fact that you’d say that makes me very happy.” He pulled me back against him. “But where are we going to get this money? There’s no way I’m asking my parents.”


  “Colin?” He appeared to mull it over. “I know he’s got some cash, but not that much and he’s not going to hand it over easily.”

  “We have to get him in on it. He has some capital and he’d be able to get a much bigger loan than us.”

  “Where’s all this coming from?” He turned me so I could look at him.

  “I just like to find opportunities where they don’t seem to exist.”

  “Do you really think we can convince Colin to join us? It would be a huge risk and with the new baby and all.”

  “I think he would if we made it worth his while. He’s the only one in my family who’s ever believed in me, and I feel good about this. I know we can make it huge.”

  “All right, but we need to set up one thing before we go any further with this idea.”


  “You need to try to dive again. You can’t tie your future to something you don’t know anything about.”

  “I didn’t mind the shore dive. Can we do that again?”

  “Sure, and then maybe after that you’d want to get certified.”

  “If I did a boat dive, would you be with me the whole time?”

  He brushed hair away from my face. “Would you ever doubt that?”

  “No. I wouldn’t.”


  The days were ticking down. As August dragged on, I knew the summer was ending, and I was about to get booted from the only job I’d ever really enjoyed. Carly seemed convinced she could come up with a way for us to buy the shop, but I wasn’t sure if her enthusiasm would be enough. I gave her the space and time she needed to develop her business plan, but I wasn’t giving her space of the personal kind. With the end of summer came the possibility of the end of our nights together, and I was going to enjoy every last one of them.

  I didn’t even mind the grunt work around the shop as much as I used to. Part of me would even miss that. I was filling some tanks when Ralph walked into the back.

  “Get ready. We have a last minute dive.”

  “Get ready? Aren’t you going to do it?”

  “Nope. She requested you specifically.”

  “She?” I groaned. Having a female customer request me specifically probably wouldn’t be a good thing in Carly’s eyes.

  “Yes. She’s doing a certification.”

  “Do you mind doing it?” The last thing I needed was to get in trouble with Carly. I wasn’t wasting a second of our time together fighting.

  “I really think you’re going to want to handle this one.”

  “Fine.” I sighed. There was no reason to put it off. I walked back into the front of the shop and did a double take.

  “Carly? What are you doing here?”

  She grinned. “I’m here for my first dive or dives or whatever. I already did all of those video thingies Ralph said I had to do first. I passed all the tests.”

  “You’re the client?”

  “I heard you’re really good at what you do.”

  I laughed. “So you’re really in? You’re letting me take you on a boat dive?”

  “Can’t we do another shore dive?” She gave me her most charming smile.

  “Nope. Boat dive.” I picked up her hand. “If you suffered through the videos you might as well get to do the real thing.”

  “Okay, but we have to wait a few minutes.”

  “Why?” I looked at Ralph. Was there something up with the boat I didn’t know about?

  “Because Brody’s running late.”

  “Brody’s coming?”

  “Yes. He’s coming for moral support. He said he figured you’d make me go out on the boat.”

  I took her face in my hands. “I’m not enough moral support?”

  “You’re plenty, but it never hurts to have a little bit extra.”

  I shook my head. “You’re crazy, but I love you. Let’s get you ready.”

  * * *

  We surfaced after the first dive, and Carly immediately pushed up her mask. “Wow, that was crazy.”

  “Crazy good, crazy bad?” I helped her climb up the ladder back onto the boat.

  “The good crazy mostly.”

  “Mostly?” I took off my gear and went to help her, but Brody was already doing it.

  “I’m a little bit tired.”

  Brody looked at me. “You know what the answer to that is, get her nitrox trained.”

  “Uh, no more training right now. But I am starving.”

  “Oh, yeah. There’s stuff in the cooler.”

  She opened the cooler and pulled out a wrapped sandwich. She made a face as she unwrapped it. “Peanut butter and jelly? I just dove and this is what I get?”

  I laughed. “Sorry if our offerings don’t work for you.”

  She took a small bite of the sandwich. “Do you have anything else?”

  I shrugged. “Crackers.”

  “And how long do we have to wait before the next dive?”

  I unzipped my wet suit and pulled my arms out. “About forty minutes.”

  “Oh.” She carefully wrapped up the sandwich. “Can I get something to drink?”

  “Sure. We have bottled water and juice boxes.” I looked in the cooler. “There’s just grape left.”

  Brody nudged her shoulder. “If he really loved you he’d have brought you some apple.”

  “We’re out of them. Customers always choose that flavor.” I handed her a bottle of water. I assumed she’d prefer that. She accepted it and took a sip before setting the bottle down and unzipping her wet suit. I tried not to get too distracted by how good she looked in her tiny bikini top.

  Brody rested his arms on the side of the boat. “They choose apple because no one over the age of eight likes grape juice.”

  “The water’s fine. I’d prefer a fruit smoothie, but what can you do?” She took another sip of her water.

  “A fruit smoothie? What were you expecting, gourmet food?”

  She froze. “That’s it. Oh my gosh, Macon, you’re a genius!” She flung her arms around my neck.

  “I know I am, but why are you suddenly realizing it?”

  “Gourmet. That’s what’s missing. That’s what our company needs.”

  “Uh, am I missing something?” I stared at her blankly.

  She sat down and turned to Brody. “And you, you’re perfect.”

  He gave her a funny smile. “Thanks… I think.”

  “Guys, focus. Who’s your usual clientele?”

  “Young to middle aged people looking to learn to dive or just to do a few dives on vacation,” I answered automatically. I knew the details of the business pretty well.
br />   “Who’s it missing?”

  “What are you getting at, babe?” I didn’t bother starting the boat. When Carly was hit by inspiration you couldn’t rush it.

  “Diving’s fun. It’s recreation, yet educational, it’s fairly easy once you get the hang of it, and it’s the perfect activity for a beach vacation.”

  “I’m glad you finally see it my way.” I took a swig of water.

  “But it’s not glamorous. You feed people like fourth graders. I mean pre-made sandwiches and juice boxes?” She wrinkled up her nose.

  “Don’t forget about the crackers.” I walked over to the cooler and held up a bag.

  “That’s not any better, Macon.”

  “If you want fancy you do luxury live-a-boards.”

  “But why? Why not bring the luxury to the average diver? Provide gourmet food and after dive cocktails. I’m telling you, there’s an audience for that. A big one.”

  “That’s actually a really good idea.” Brody turned to her. “And I’m guessing that’s why I’m perfect, huh? I’m going to be providing my culinary services?”

  “Who better?” She put a hand on his leg, and I ignored the small jolt of jealousy that went through me. She was just excited.

  “Ocean Quest Gourmet.” The name came to me out of nowhere.

  “AHHH that’s perfect.” She hopped up and literally jumped into my arms. “It plays on the active ocean part, but also the gourmet. I love it!”

  “I can tell.” I kissed her lightly.

  “So let’s do it. Let’s make this happen.”

  “And you really think Colin’s going to help?” I hated to even question her when she was this excited, but without more capital we couldn’t buy the shop. We’d briefly considered setting up a competing business, but buying the existing one just made sense considering the market.

  “Yes. We can do this.”

  “Yes we can, but first you need to do another dive.”

  “Now? But I have plans to make.”

  “Make them after you look at the fish.”

  “Fine.” She gave me a fake pout. “But we’re getting something decent to eat after this.”

  “Deal.” I turned on the engine and headed toward another perfect dive spot.


  The upstairs of the Grille was packed again. It wasn’t a surprise. I hadn’t worked a single night without it being that way. The thing about a beach bar during the summer season is that every night of the week is busy. Weekends were still heavier, but even weeknights could take you by surprise.

  I’d finally fallen into a routine. I remembered to check the supplies and kegs before my shifts. I’d memorized well over a hundred drinks and for everything else I managed to inconspicuously look it up on the app. It had taken awhile, but I’d finally gotten it down to an art. Of course if things went well, I’d be working the bar less and the scuba business more. I’d practiced my presentation on Max twice that day during my breaks. He seemed amused by my carefully prepared PowerPoint slides. His approval gave me the extra boost of confidence I needed. I knew that Ocean Quest Gourmet could be big. We just needed to find someone with money to believe in us too. The problem was we were almost out of time. Once Caleb took over, there was no chance we were getting the shop.

  “I’ll take a dirty martini please.”

  I looked up at the sound of the familiar voice. “Kim? What are you doing here?”

  “I heard the bartender working tonight was really good. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.” She smiled awkwardly in a forced way that a woman should never have to do with her sister.

  “So, you’re not here to accuse me of being a home wrecker again?” I scooped some ice into a glass and set to work pouring a drink for another customer. I tried to keep my heart rate normal. I noticed the curious stares, but I ignored them. The nice thing about tourists is you didn’t usually see the same person twice.

  “I’m sorry.” She set her jaw. Apologizing wasn’t something that came easy for Kim.

  “Listen, I don’t have the time to argue with you right now. I’m working.” I spread out my arms at the swelling crowd.

  “I see that, and I’m not here to argue.”

  “Then why are you here? There’s no way you came just to apologize.”

  “I wanted to see you. What’s happening between us isn’t right.”

  I blinked back tears. She was right about that. “Can we talk later? Or tomorrow if you don’t want to stick around that long? I’m guessing you’re staying at Colin’s?”

  “No. I got a hotel. I wasn’t sure if I was welcome at his house.”

  “He’s your brother. He wouldn’t turn you away.” Whatever my issues with Kim, Colin would never turn his back on either of us.

  “Maybe I’ll stop by and see him.”

  A thought suddenly occurred to me. “Wait. If you haven’t seen Colin yet, how’d you know where to find me?”

  “Your boyfriend told me.”

  “What?” I overfilled a beer, making a mess. I grabbed a cloth and wiped it up.

  “You gave Mom and Dad an address to send your mail. I showed up and met your roommates. They’re both nice by the way.”

  “I know that.”

  “Macon’s crazy about you. He wants you to be happy, and he thinks we need to talk.”

  “Let’s do breakfast tomorrow.” Breakfast would be safe, a set time.

  “Sure, but is that before or after your big presentation?” She smiled.

  “Did Macon tell you about that too?”

  “Actually, your other roommate did.”

  “Excuse me!” A guy yelled to get my attention.

  “All right, I won’t distract you anymore. Just get me my martini, and I’ll see you at Colin’s tomorrow morning.”

  I made the martini, trying not to make a face. I hated olives and didn’t understand why anyone would ruin a perfectly good drink that way, but Kim wasn’t the only one. I decided there was no reason to put off the conversation. “You really wouldn’t mind waiting around?”

  She took a small sip of her martini. “This is good, kid. And I’ll wait as long as I have to. I’ve always loved people watching.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure.”

  I wasn’t sure what to make of Kim’s appearance, but I didn’t have much time to worry about it. The crowd only grew. Sometimes there were benefits to being busy. Before I knew it, it was closing time. Kim waited for me to grab my stuff and clock out. It was really late, but I knew Max wouldn’t be locking up for a while. We took a seat at a table upstairs.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but Kim interrupted.

  “I’m sorry. Before you say anything I just needed to say that again.”

  “I can’t believe you actually believe I’d do something like that.” I looked down, unwilling to look her in the eye and to let her know how much she’d hurt me.

  “I didn’t. In my heart I didn’t, I just couldn’t accept that Jasper would.”

  “Why did you marry him?” I knew my words were harsh, but if we were having a heart-to-heart it might as well have been honest.

  “Are you really asking me that?” She fumbled with straps of her purse.

  “Yes, but I don’t really expect you to answer.”

  “I fell in love with him. He was everything I thought I wanted in a husband. He was everything Mom and Dad said I needed in a husband. What other reason would there be?”

  “None.” I shifted in my chair, looking for a comfortable spot that probably didn’t exist.

  “I knew how you felt though. No one told me the details, but I wasn’t blind. I knew something had happened with you guys, but I just ignored it. And that’s probably why it was so easy to make myself believe Jasper. If you had crush on him back then, why wouldn’t you still have one now?”

  “Because a teenage crush is completely different from a grow woman’s desire to get involved with her sister’s husband.”

  “I know.” She reached for my hand. “I
’m an idiot.”

  I let her take my hand. “But you did more than believe him about me being the instigator, you decided on your own to believe that something actually happened.”

  “I know.” She used her free hand to bury her face. “It seemed easier than accepting our marriage wasn’t working for other reasons.”

  “You mean it was easier to blame it on me.” I wasn’t sure where my nerve was coming from, but it felt good. It felt good to finally stand up for myself.

  “You’re so lucky, Carly. You’ve always had everything.” She dropped her hand to her side.

  “Me? Have everything? What about you? You’ve always been Mom and Dad’s favorite. The perfect one.” I didn’t bother to keep the cynicism from my voice.

  “Because I was supposed to be. I let them pick out everything for me, even my husband.” She wiped away some tears. “But not you. You’ve never followed anyone blindly, let alone our parents. You’ve made your own choices and in the end you’re a happier person because of it.”

  “Don’t make it sound like it’s been easy.” I pulled my hand away but left it resting on the table.

  “I’m not trying to. I know it hasn’t been, and I’m a major part of why your life’s been hard lately.”

  “Well, you can stop worrying about me. I’m fine.”

  “Really? I don’t think you’re fine.” She stared at me intently.

  I crossed my arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  A small smile spread across her face. “I think you’re great, amazing even. You’re really finding your way, and you’ve got a great guy in your life. Like I said, you’re lucky.”

  “It’s not all luck.”

  She squeezed my hand. “I know.”

  I yawned.

  “All right, I’ll let you get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow.”

  I smiled, and it wasn’t forced. “I do, and I’m in even more of a hurry than usual to get home.”

  “Do you share a room with him every night?”

  “Yes.” There was no reason to pretend.

  “My little sister, shacking up with a beach boy.”

  “He’s more than a beach boy.”

  “I know.” She patted my hand. “I love you, Carly. I know I haven’t done a good job of showing you that, but I do.”